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I was waiting to hear from you about this Nathan! Thanks! I looked earlier tonight, but hadn’t seen you post. I looked on steemit first, then YouTube & then patreon. I’m not sure where to look now for your most recent news. Where should I look first for your input? Discord? I used to catch your show almost every day. I’ve been a bit out of the loop the last few weeks. Thanks! Resteemed

Ok should’ve read your other post...going to go look at twitch. I haven’t been to that platform yet. I’ll go check it out. I want to stay connected to your news. Cheers!


They keep making these hoaxes. Scaring the public that results in people giving up their rights. It is happening for centuries now.
With internet - we have the ability to connect with each other. Engage and share the truth. Our at least our unique viewpoint.
Thanks to blockchain - this will not get censored. We're waking up more than ever with every breathe we take>

Peace, Love, Gratitude!

Yet another incident when a gunman kills innocents. I think a gun is too much power and freedom at common hands.

I think you are a good slave and couldn't handle freedom.

If killing people at your own wish is called as freedom then I'm better of being a slave.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Spoken like a good slave.

Interesting that you promote being defenseless when thugs come to do you harm.

Perhaps interesting is the wrong word.

Foolish. Yes, that's it.

What about the car? The poison? what about fire? what about a knife? a chainsaw or axe? what about a integrally-suppressed fully automatic sniper air rifle which anyone, even a 16 year old with a credit card, can legally buy? Can you not see the obvious error in focusing on the choice of murder?

Great show today Nathan. You should try and contact James Bond ER. He is being heavily censored by YouTube. He needs to get his videos off on dtube so they can't be pulled censored. I appreciate the up phone. Check out my other post about Litecoin. They're coming out with a crypto debit card that can be used anywhere!!! This is a game changer. That's why it was up so lunch today.

There's too many coincidences to be believable regarding drills followed immediately by attacks.

Anymore, I hear they're holding a drill, I'm leaving.