Tabrakan Maut in Nagan Raya, Father and Child Died, 7 People Injured 2 Wounds Lightly

in news •  6 years ago 


LOVE MAKMUE - A deadly accident occurred on the Provincial Crossing of the Suak Bilie Gampog area, Suka Makmue District, Nagan Raya, Sunday (06/17/2018). Two residents (father and son) died in the incident.

Based on information obtained by, the victim died named Ibrahim (40) and his son Saiful Bahri (8). The victim was recorded as a resident of Meureubo Blang Muling Village, Seunagan District, Nagan Raya District.

Both died at Sultan Iskandar Muda Nagan Raya Hospital.

Meanwhile Ibrahim's wife suffered a broken arm and leg. While another child suffered severe injuries and drained blood from his nose.

The total victims were 11 people, 2 died, 7 serious injuries and 2 minor injuries, said Nagan Raya Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Giyarto in a report received by on Sunday (06/17/2018).

An accident involving a Calya passenger car and Honda Supra type motorbike, Giyarto told, occurred due to the Calya B 2116 TZI car driven by Muliyadi (40), experiencing a high RPM or gas rising suddenly.

According to the Chief of Police, the driver of the car panicked because in front of him there were other vehicles.

So the driver of the 9-person car slammed the steering wheel to the right, then hit a Honda Supra BL 6093 VC motorbike driven by Ibrahim from the opposite direction.

After colliding with the motorcycle, the car slid into irrigation.

Following are the identities of 11 victims in the accident:

Victim died

  1. Ibrahim (40), resident Address: Meureubo Blang Muling Village, Kec. Seunagan, Kab. Nagan Raya.
    Having a torn wound in the right hand, a torn wound in the head and died in Nagan Raya Hospital.

  2. Saiful Bahri (8), resident of Meureubo Blang Muling, Kec. Seunagan, Kab. Nagan Raya.
    Have a torn wound on the head and died in Nagan Raya Hospital.

Victims are broken and injured

  1. Fauzan (2), resident of Meureubo Blang Muling, Kec. Seunagan Kab. Nagan Raya.
    Having a torn wound on the lips, bleeding from the mouth.

newsacehterkiniPart 2.

  1. Nuraini (35), Ibrahim's wife, a resident of Meureubo Blang Muling, Kec. Seunagan, Kab. Nagan Raya.
    Broken right hand, broken left leg.

  2. Mulyadi (40), a driver of a car from the village of Kuta Fajar, Kec. Kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Having a torn wound in the right head

  3. Nurisbah (1), resident of Kuta Fajar Village, Kec. kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Having a torn wound on the left side of the head

  4. Cut Harda Laila (30), resident of Kuta Fajar Village, Kec. Kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Having a torn wound on the left side of the head

  5. Karnisah (35), resident of Kuta Fajar Village, Kec. Kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Having a torn wound on the left side of the head

  6. Salmiah (55), resident of Kuta Fajar Village, Kec. Kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Having a torn wound on the left side of the head

  7. Ade Winda (17), resident of Kuta Fajar Village, Kec. Kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Have abrasions on the right leg

  8. Inda Zahratul (17), resident of Kuta Fajar Village, Kec. Kuta Fajar, Kab. Aceh Selatan.
    Have a bruise on the left head

Meanwhile, three passenger cars reportedly were not injured. The three are Ahmad Nata (16), Irfa (8), and Gusti Raja (17). They are also residents of Kuta Fajar Village, Kuta Fajar District, South Aceh.

Source: Serambi
Photo: Riski Bintang

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