RE: Video Shows Unarmed Black Man Pleading with Arms Raised Before Police Shoot Him***UPDATE *** cop ment to shoot autistic boy

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Video Shows Unarmed Black Man Pleading with Arms Raised Before Police Shoot Him***UPDATE *** cop ment to shoot autistic boy

in news •  9 years ago 

This is sad but it happens to all races, not just black people.

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Black lives matter movement is an argument against an inequality in our system. It doesn't diminish the value of any other races. It's only ment to draw attention the disproportionate amount of black deaths by police.

yes BLM i would like to point out is also funded by George Soros, a tool of the globalists in America to create a race war and ensuing chaos so enabling this secret world government to grab the American guns and take away their rights !! BLM is actually a disgrace and these people are all just useful idiots !!

What proof do you have of this?

Your first link is dead
Your second link is by The Washington Times, it's a right-wing daily that bills itself as an alternative to the Washington Post, is owned and influenced by Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. So that's discredited before I even look at it.
Your third post only talks about the funding...
So I ask again where is your proof of someone trying to start a race war

So will the situation be better if they start killing everyone else in greater proportions?

No its about police brutality, and your rights being taken away from you.

This simply isn't true. By the numbers, more whites are killed by police officers than any other race per year. Now it's true there are more whites in the USA and if you look comparatively to each race, blacks are killed more often. It is also true, that most violent crimes happen in impoverished neighbourhoods that, demographically, are made up of African Americans.

We need to take a step back and look at the data. Sure there are bad cops that do dumb things. But the only reason why 99% of America believes that African Americans are 'targeted' is because the media chooses to highlight these cases, because the sell.

It's a problem but I don't think it's a black and white problem.

I agree and it's about police brutality in general. The black lives movement is meant to draw attention to a problem.

You have refused my links which show the clear funding of this " rent a crowd " of trouble makers, race baiters and useful idiots !! I am supplying another link which repeats the same information which clearly states the connections between this Lithuanian second world criminal which killed his own people under Hitler !! He is the man behind the so called grass roots uprising in Ukraine against Russian ties to this country and is now busy stirring up with his funding of BLM a race war between the people of America to bring his hoped for chaos, so bringing in more radical police state methods and control !! I ask you now what is your agenda here constantly feeding this monster called BLM ? here is the new link restating the truth of which i state concerning this racial hatred movement called BLM !!

No one is saying that it doesn't happen to other races, but let's look at some situations and compare them. Dylan Roof shot up a Black church in Charleston, KILLING several people. He was arrested, and taken to Burger King before being taken to Jail. They also protected him with a bullet proof vest when they transported him. Now let's look at Philando Castiles situation, he was pulled over for a "broken tail light" fit the description of a robbery suspect is what was later released. However, Mr Castile told the officer he had a gun, was licensed to carry the gun, was then told to grab his license and when he went to reach in his pocket to do as he was told, the cop shot him in front of a 4 year old child and his girlfriend. The black community has never been seen as equal since they've received equal rights. They are stereotyped and Caucasians are for some reason seen as they ALPHA race.. You can't honestly tell me there isn't a HUGE problem

What about the autistic guy that was waving to a police officer and then was bodyslammed to the ground and died? What about the kid that warned the cop that his lights were too bright and was shot and killed? What about the guy that was sitting with a garden hose and the cops killed him? Or the parents who called the cops for help because their son was high on drugs only to have him killed? The white lady who was beaten by cops in a parking lot in front of her kid? Kelly Thomas? There is a huge problem and causing a race war isn't going to help.

Who want a race war? We just want our right as humans. Police brutality is a big problem no matter what color you are. This is just a slogan to draw attention to the problem and have a conversation.

Then don't make the slogan about race...

here is a black guy who knows the score and puts it clearly to music, BLM is dangerous for blacks and whites and must be stamped out before it gets thousands killed and for nothing, its not about colour its all about control !!

#Blackslivesmatter is not a statement of ONLY black lives matter, it's a statement of black lives matter ALSO. Meaning "Hey, assholes, we're no less human than you are. Stop killing us!"

firstly we, whites that is are not asholes ,so please do not refer to us in this unpleasant manner if you wish for our respect in your statement !! Secondly you need yourself i think to get passed this division between human beings based on the colour of their skin as not to do this i am very much afraid makes you a true racist !! here is a very good film which explains the problem in which clearly your mindset has fallen...... if you want things to change then change yourself is my word to you !!

I didn't even read what you said after that first sentence. I'm white. I can recognize when "we whites" are being assholes.