Theresa may pressures Internet behemouths google and facebook to do more in the fight against terror

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Theresa May, approached Google and Facebook to accomplish more to stop fear based oppressors utilizing their websites to fuel radicalism and will push for action when world leaders meet in New York in one week's time.


In the aftermath of the bucket bomb attack in the well to do area of London's Parsons Green, web behemoth's where scolded over the fact that it was so easy to find information online on how to build such device's.

During an interview with US broadcasting giant ABC, she said: "One of the issues that we really need to be addressing, and I'll be raising this when I'm at the United Nations, is the question of the use of the internet by terrorists for terrorist planning. But also this using it for the spread of extremism, of hatred, of propaganda that can incite and can inspire terrorism".

When pressed as to whether organizations like Facebook and Google where expected to act, she answered: "We're conversing with them about accomplishing and achieving more".

Mrs May is due to meet with French president Emmanuel Macron on handling fear mongering and radical publicity on the web at the United Nations General Assembly.

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