Chris Haskell: Exposing Geoengineering - Your Help Needed By A Dedicated Activist

in news •  7 years ago 

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 6/17/18

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

Once in a while, there is a subject so important and urgent for us to cover, that a show is put at the front of the line in our schedule, so we can do it for you without any delay. That's what happened when I found out about Chris Haskell and what he experienced as a result of his efforts to wake up the public to the reality of geoengineering and chemtrails. Chris is now facing the possibility of being sent to prison for the rest of his life, because he dared to put up hundreds of signs in his home town of Tuscon, Arizona.

So what is Chris charged with? Putting up signs without a permit? No, he's charged with terrorism. Hear his story this Sunday on our weekly guest show. What is happening to Chris could be a test case of what will happen to any of us that dare tell the truth publicly, threatening the agenda of destruction that our global rulers are imposing on the world. The decisions of how the extermination of life is to be carried out are made at the top levels, and have nothing to do with money. But bribes, threats, blackmail and promises of money and power are used to get the local officials, corporate bosses, private contractors and others to carry out the crimes against their fellow human beings, and apparently those incentives are enough to keep the massive machine of destruction moving toward its goal.

People within that machine need to wake up just like we do, and realize the good they can do from within their positions of power, instead of going along blindly with what amounts to their own suicide. Their hypnosis, like ours, can be broken. Brave individuals like Chris Haskell can help that happen, and so can every one of us. Right now Chris needs help. Hear his story on the important show, coming up this Sunday,

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