Free Speech is in Danger! 💬 I was Attacked by Authoritarians @ G20.. Update w/Videos

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Less than a week ago at the G20 in Germany, myself and other journalists were physically attacked by protesters- most likely members of AntiFa

As you can see, protesters rolled out the red carpet...


More disturbing than the fact we were attacked, are the details around how it happened. We're all individuals with different political beliefs and yet we were photographed, labeled as Nazis, and then stalked leading up to the attacks. We were also stalked after the attacks, and were threatened with death if we didn't leave the area (when we were already 30 minutes away from the protest)


At the G20, upwards of 100,000 protesters were expected. Black Bloc including many Antifa showed up in considerable numbers. Many of the protests were peaceful, but there were others that took rather extreme actions, including looting, setting numerous fires and other property destruction, as well as attacking police. During the protests, over four hundred police were injured and over three hundred protesters arrested.


Lauren Southern was photographed by 'journalist' Sören Kohlhuber. The shirt that she was wearing had an Identarian symbol on it. Sören in very poor taste for a supposed journalist, then tweeted photos of her, along with those of us walking near her at the time to several Antifa groups. Sören is an experienced photographer at these kinds of events, and undoubtedly knew the violence that could come to us, due to his labeling.

AntiFa immediately began sharing our identities, in what appeared to be a well-coordinated, and deliberate action. They labeled us all 'Identitarians and fascists' and immediately began hunting us.

Fortunately, some of our Twitter followers recognized what was going on and warned us. Lauren was able to hide her shirt and get out of the area, although her location was tweeted several times.

Max Bachman, and I were both identified and attacked by Antifa protesters. I wasn’t severely injured, but was hit on the back of the head by someone, and then immediately other people started punching us, throwing us on the ground, and kicking us. Max got scraped up and bloodied a bit- especially on his knee, had difficulty walking, and got some medical attention.

We then went 30 minutes outside of town, and were confronted by other protesters who walked up to us and threatened to kill us if we didn't leave the area. There are more details in a previous Steemit article

In another incident, Marcus DePaola was also “identified as a Nazi,” even though he had not been part of the “group.” He had his camera taken, was knocked down to the ground and kicked. It seems he was simply identified as being a “Nazi sympathizer.”

Sören Kohlhuber was subsequently fired from his freelance position with Zeit Online, a German newspaper after several people made complaints against him. He has not made any attempt to apologize for his actions.

The Antifa members seem to be much more aggressive and violent than any found in North America, the amount of rioting and senseless looting, and the unwillingness of government to crack down and put an end to these activities is quite telling. They seem to be against anyone who is even a bit right, in fact, it appears that those close to the center could be seen as being far-right by these extremists.

These people will act violently to those who disagree with them, with whom they feel are Nazis. One should call these people the Blackshirts, there actions being not all that much different from the Brownshirts of Germany in the 1930’s. They don’t seem to stand for anything, its difficult to comprehend what their end goals are.

As Tim Pool commented this recently, “What is the difference between these individuals and fascism? If you take out the Nationalism and substitute globalism, there is literally no difference. “

One has to wonder who exactly is supporting them and what is causing this underlying motivation toward violence. These groups seem to have no respect for press or free speech. Some say these people are political pawns to suppress freedom of speech and conservative thought. It seems that very dark days are ahead for Germany and probably the rest of Western Europe.

Here are some videos that have been made surrounding this event:

My original video, announcing what happened and discussing why we had to cut the coverage short & leave the G20 for our own safety. More details can be found about my personal experience there.


Tim Pool outlines what happened at the G20, and he discusses how the assailants threatened to kill them if they did not leave. Tim interviews Max who was injured during the confrontation with Antifa. Both decided to abandon the G20 Coverage and work on other interviews, in part due to the number of press already in Hamburg and the actual risk to life and property.


In this video, Tim talks about the events in Hamburg, as he is leaving Germany.

He says “Death threats and violent extremists roam the streets destroying cars and damaging businesses. Many of these people are sharing my photo and calling me a "fascist" which is factually incorrect. Usually, these types of threats don’t result in people getting beaten in the streets, but this appears to be the norm in Germany. These people will attack you, with no evidence, with no moral grounds, for perceivably being different.

What is the difference between these individuals and fascism? If you take out the Nationalism and substitute globalism, there is literally no difference. They told us if you come back we will kill you, and I think that’s a credible threat. Some of these high-profile events are becoming too dangerous, the escalation and political polarization, we have reached the point where they will attack anyone. No discourse, no negotiating, they are right.

There is a lot of irony in Luke who is originally from Poland, being beaten by Germans and called a Nazi.”

Getting Stalked at #G20 - Lauren Southern

Lauren speaks with Tim Poole while at the G20, this is supposedly the largest black block and Antifa gathering who are protesting the international conference. People are extra upset because of Donald Trump attendance.

They describe how getting cell service was extremely difficult, as you could only get a small amount of data, you have to go through this whole identification process.

All of us reporters only associate with each other, we all came separately. We often see each other at these types of events because we travel in the same circles and cover the same stories. The U.S. Antifa are babies compared to what they are in Germany, they have an army here in Hamburg, and they are violent. Tim says, “People were warning me on twitter about associating with Lauren. I responded, "are these people going to beat me up just for being near her? Apparently, the answer is yes.”

I'm Sorry. - Lauren Southern

Lauren, a couple of hours after the attacks took place, discusses how she had just found out how serious the events were. She is upset about how three different journalists including Luke were attacked and beaten. She apologizes for not taking more precautions.

She says "I was told that I should be more careful, especially with how I looked. I didn’t think about the shirt. I understand the risks I take, I have never been overly worried about it before. I’ve never dealt with a situation where people are attacked just for having been near me. It’s not about me, but about the unintended consequences of my actions. "

Lauren continues, "Antifa are so out of their minds that they attack people that are left wing, they didn’t accomplish anything. All of it doesn’t make sense. A mainstream journalist was an instigator for all of this, labeling the people around me. I barely even know some of these reporters. They won’t shut me up; they won’t stop dissenting opinion. I am well aware now that I am going to have to be more responsible, and in hiding my identity at these things. I’m going to find a solution."

Death threats to Journalists at G20 -

In a short video, Max discusses his experience. He was bruised and had scrapes on his elbows and knees. He shares some additional footage, which includes a direct threat from one of the protesters.

Journalist Attacked at G20 "Welcome to Hell" Protest (GoPro first person perspective POV) - Heavy published this video of Marcus DiPaola, shown being punched in the face, pushing him to the ground, and kicking him after. The protesters accused him of being a Nazi and took his camera. They did this without any reason, as he was not part of the group in the original photos taken of Lauren Southern.

Antifa Goons Attack 3 Journalists Tracking & Stalk Lauren Southern- NeoUnrealist

NeoUnrealist puts together an excellent summary video of what took place at the G20, he has compiled a lot of footage and put it together along with his opinions on the events that transpired. He says, Antifa is becoming a problem, and says "these guys should be prosecuted."


Tim Pool meets up with Sargon of Akkad in London after the G20 to talk about the cross over between social justice and Antifa. They discuss what transpired at the G20 and about how the Antifa doctrine seems to be heavily embedded in the local population. It seemed like there was a whole snitch on “Nazi” system in place.

Sargon says that it’s a terrible situation, people are labeled as “wrong thinkers,” you will be tracked, forcibly removed, you're a danger because you are filming. This is something that genuinely worries me, that these people recognize and target you and physically harass journalists.

They don’t listen to what you have to say; they don’t watch your videos, they just label and then attack you. Guilt by association. Some of these people don’t get that as a report if you interview someone it does not mean you agree with them or endorse them or their politics.

YouTubers Attacked At G20 Protest - Phillip DeFranco

Phillip DeFranco does a good summary of what happened including some of the video and a brief discussion of how screwed up the situation was. He reports that four hundred police were injured and some 300 protesters arrested. There were over 55000 protesters and 20000 police; there was a lot of looting and fires started.

Phillip says, “Once again you have people that are overextending and hurting their own arguments. Some protesters were in groups that were non-violent they just wanted their voices heard. Others instead of using their voice, decide to destroy property, to loot, to attack people. All of this does is make your cause seem violent and intolerant, seems like such a dumb move. It hurts my brain that these people don’t realize they are harming their cause when they seek to hurt others.”

Targeted By Antifa At G20 - Journalists Attacked - German Perspective - Philosophy Workout

In this video, a German YouTuber discusses how you are guilty by association when it comes to Antifa. How political discourse is stifled in Germany, and free expression is becoming dangerous. Increasingly, only leftist opinions are being allowed in Germany by the government.

He did not want to take a chance by going to G20 because he has been previously doxxed by these groups. He says these people are used as tools of the politicians, to avoid right wing arguments and suppress them. He says it seems unlikely that protesters will get much jail time in Germany. Leftist protesters are doing the dirty work of politicians. He feels that all of the intelligent people in Germany will be leaving in the next few years.

The End of Germany: G20 Violence - Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux of FreeDomainRadio interviews Lauren Southern, they discuss the G20 Protests in depth. They highlight the dangers and ramifications that the West is facing with these kinds of protests. It’s an interesting discussion and shows just why we all should be concerned about this kind of movement, especially as it comes to North America.

Europe's Right-Wing Youth Activists are Striking Back Against Multi-Culturalism - Journeyman Pictures

This video talks about the Identarian movement and how conservative European youth are beginning to oppose leftist regressive practices.

I am not an identitarian, or any other political label. I'm not right wing or left wing, and I have a bias against 'authority'. But I think it's good to look into and see what other humans believe and why. I want to help humanity evolve to it's greatest potential, and I thank all of you who have been with me on this, and supporting me through my many years of working to help this happen.

I'm still in Europe, so lmk what you would like to see me cover while I'm here!

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"When Fascism comes to America, it will be called anti-Fascism" -
The assassinated former Senator Huey Long, who advocated public works, colleges and hospitals after the Great Depression. He was also an early critic of the Federal Reserve.


Reading this on eSteem app hurts eyes. It hurts my soul reading it on the desktop app. Freedom!

I am just going to comment on something that doesn't seem logical to me four hundred police were hurt and three hundred protesters arrested. So no protesters were hurt? Somehow I really doubt that, so I think the reporting is somehow biased.

The left is becoming 1984's big bother. They're embracing totalitarianism and fascism. ANTIFA hides behind an absurd anti-fascist name but they're a walking oxymoron. These bloodthirsty individuals don't actually care about human rights or liberty. They're simply losers looking for an excuse for violence. They're not well informed or well researched so they're afraid of debate. They're extremely insecure and can't tolerate a debate about the issues.

is becoming? Or has become?

Check my blog

When considering Antifa we have to take into consideration possible goals with the knowledge that the people in power often use indirect means.

Antifa does not seem to be targeting establishment politicians and instead are targeting the people that oppose them.

The establishment law enforcement has largely turned a blind eye to Antifa terrorism including arson of the homes of people that question the establishment governments.

Antifa's attacks on civilian dissenters will justify a government crackdown on anonymity (Antifa wear masks) and protests in general.

Based on what limited information I have about the G20 protests and Antifa in the USA it is too early for me to say, definitely, that they are a proxy tentacle of the globalists. Given more information, however, I think one could easily use inference and deduction to build a clear picture of who is controlling Antifa.

In the USA we call this kind of reactionary manipulation conspiracy and it's a crime, if only on paper.

Historically, the similiarity to the mobs that violently shut down opposition to Mao and Antifa are very disturbing.

check my blog i think you'll like the content there

Woah, I'm glad your safe my man!

Reading all of that had me in disbelief. It's admirable the lengths journalist go to uncover the truth despite the negative implications towards their safety.

Thank you for that post!

Germany is gone! These intolerant leftist idiots will become tolerant of Islam, and Muslims will rule over them.

Goodbye Germany!

It's really crazy how they behave, I am following this for years now. It seems that they are being financed by someone. The old song of devide and conquer.

Hi "lukwearchange " Welcome to Steemit.
I can Follow You.
You can follow me.Thnx

As a long time follower,
Sometimes Luke, i'd just rather hear from you from home and not in harms way.. Lauren either for that matter Those protesters over there are animals. Much different than here...
OK, my 2 cents..stay safe

Upvoted & RESTEEMED!

Very informative post. I loved it. Followed

I saw your youtube vids. I was pretty pissed off seeing y'all get attacked like that. It makes me wonder what the hell is going on. Y'all are the furthest thing from fascists.

Thanks for the work you do man! I know it's dangerous being right in the middle of everything.. but it doesn't go unnoticed.. it's truly important!

Who do you believe is funding the bad guys who go against the journalists? Do you have a handle on where they get money to support these actions?

Man this is super fucked up! Hope some justice is found

thanks for what you do. this is a great post. thank you for sharing

Ok, Luke, you have a choice to make.
Let me present it to you.

Those people were right, in their minds, to do what they did.
It appears that you want to persist in your 'those people are bad', 'they should be prosecuted', and 'we should say bad things about them on the internet' position.

How could they be wrong in defending themselves from you when you call for state violence to be used on them?

I can't speak for all of them.
I can elucidate their purview, I have studied it extensively.
Have you?
Will you go forward from today and continue to speak from ignorance?

I'd suggest that that may not be the 'neutral reporting' you purport yourself as doing.

I hope you make the right choice.
I would like to help you see why they think they were right in doing what they did, perhaps you will agree once you have the data, too.

So, Luke, your character is on the line.
Do you seek to understand their purview, or do you pass judgement based on being ignorant of the facts at hand?
Will you seek those facts, or will you justify for them what they did?



Upvoted. Followed. I already follow you on facebook. Glad to see you here. One love.

At least Antifa didn't throw piss on Lauren and you this time or did I miss that video?


Thanks for sharing this info and putting yourself in danger for the greater good.
No matter how tough it might get at times, no matter who or what brings you down, always remember to keep ya head up high and keep on moving forward in life.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

At the risk of alienating someone(maybe?) I'll admit I am an old school liberal and no fan of Trump. That being said, these people are the true fascists and I have 0 in common with them. I have no interest in what they have to say because of their methods and violence. I don't even know what an 'identitarian' is (I'll google it next.) But I know that my values include an open society with free speech and expression and a lively public exhange of ideas in which if it's a fair and open system the best ideas will win. I don't believe in censoring rallies, messages, guest speakers at universities, classes, lectures, publications, Steemit, the internet or anything else on earth. I'd rather engage with people with whom I disagree and hash things out verbally. Hey, I might even learning something!

Sorry Luke but you weren’t attacked by authoritarians. There are not that sophisticated! You were attacked by some German idiots who got triggered by knowing that there was a group of people from Trumpland near them! Lauren shirt was just an excuse! And please, let’s stop using cool names to describe these idiots! They call themselves “black bloc”, but why don’t we call them “black stain” or “zombie block”, or something better… If an idiot calls himself Genius that doesn’t mean that I would start calling him genius as well!

Didn't know You were here at Steemit ... GREAT!!