McDonald's Sucks But What They Are Doing In Hong Kong Is Amazing

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hey everyone, I recently just came back from Hong Kong and wow was it an experience. One of the most interesting things I discovered when talking to the locals was how the management of McDonalds in Hong Kong was dealing with poverty in the Chinese territory. Watch the video below to get the story.

While in Hong Kong Luke Rudkowski gives you a strange story of a multi national corporation actually doing the right thing for once. We cover the McRefugee epidemic in Hong Kong as McDonald's under a different management, takes an approach against poverty unlike anything we have seen in the western world.

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I think it's just down to the Honk Kong managers having some heart, cos in the UK I've seen homeless people being moved on for overstaying on McDonalds premises.
there's even a viral video showing how they call police on them

A restaurant is not an hotel. If McDo wants to engage in giving some free food to homeless customers that can make sense to a certain point, but people laying all around with bare feet in the air, that is kind of disgusting for people going there for its main purpose, meaning to eat. That is where my philosophy completely diverge from yours Luke, I don't think its (multinational) corporations that are evil, because as customers we always have a choice. If we would feel like specifically naming the major culprit for economic injustice in this world, I think it should be the governments. They are the ones who make crony capitalism possible with all their rules, regulations and clientelism culture. It's about time we make people being generous by themselves instead of through the redistibution of an elected (or not) gang. It's harder to have the incentive to give to the poor when on the other side the state is making you poorer with all its taxes.

It's sweet and touching, but unsanitary and a health hazard. Just imagine how filthy the metal food processors are. McDonald's dirty little secret = employees are too lazy to clean the machines and you have massive bacteria buildup (especially in machines that process daily products). Other chains are not much better.

etc, etc...

Great video Luke I had no idea about this. Would take a lot more than this to redeem maccas, but this was a nice surprise. As someone that has been "moved on" by cops in the early hours of the morning whilst sleeping rough, having a safe/lit area to crash would make the world of difference.

GG mcdonalds (!?)

Nice photo

SERIOUSLY thats what happens to you if you keep eating mcdonalds!!

Someone had to be inspired by this to make that lol

i prefer burger king!

You mad man, lol

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

wait, Luke...
are you eating at McDee's? AND YOU'RE IN FRIKKIN HONG KONG???!!

Are you crazy I had some weird stuff I don't even know what I ate but not McDonald's when I was there

I always wondered why people eat at places they could go to at home? I get the whole other country part but if I went four hours away from my home I wouldn't eat somewhere I could at home. Make sense?

I went to China a few years ago with the family. We visited a McDonald's. My kids were small at the time and wanted to play on the PlayLand equipment.

That's when I really noticed that most Chinese kids up to 4 or 5 years old wear crotch-less pants so that then can pee or poo in public wherever they please.

Check it out for yourself online. It's true. Needless to say we didn't let the kids play for very long on the slide.

Just type in "chinese crotchless kids pants" into Google Image search... Not pretty.

Nice and refreshing to see a corporation that actually cares! Props to Hong Kong McDonalds! :)

Круто! Персонал наверное тоже храпит))

I haven't ate McDonald's all year and I'm not missing it at all lol.

Crapitalism is the problem.
Keep working, stop paying.
Plenty of empty rooms for the homeless once you get the crapitalists out of the middle.

BILLIONS of satisfied customers would disagree w/your assertion about Micky-D's "sucking".

I think the general concensious is that it sucks and is not good for you, but your right that is still my opinion.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

TRILLIONS of microscopic fungal spores and bacteria would however agree with you...
In that, their food won't rot.
It did back in the 80s, I saw physical proof. Often.
Now it'll just dry out.
So your opinion HAS BEEN VINDICATED young Luke (search your feelings).

I hear this a lot from East/West coast elites. Not so much from mid-westerners.

Everyone says they hate McD's but they really love it. Kinda want a cheeseburger and fries now...

good job mcdonalds their helping people and giving them heart disease..

Why not? No need to rent a flat. McDonald is your bedroom, kitchen and office )

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I was in HK recently about 3 weeks ago. I was staying near Kowloon. Three things I noticed. Westerners that were homeless. And, foreigners that had very low cash. Also, the price of food and drinks is now more than the average in Tokyo. So it's increasingly hard to get by on low incomes. Thanks for the content Luke, upvoted.

@lukewearechange LUKE, YOU JUST BLEW IT!
Now the headquarters of that pathetic garbage foodstuffs manufacturer will SHUT DOWN all Hong Kong McDs
until they comply with THEIR AU-THORI-TIE!!
Hopefully they'll not see your report.

Serious question. Do you think the recent trend #McChicken, and the video involved will hurt McDonalds, even though the event seemed to take place in a persons home. Could the attention possibly help McDonalds?

Interesting report. I wouldn't eat there but, napping might be an option.


The world sure throws up some surprises sometimes.
A sign of wider change, perhaps?
I do hope so.

Good work, Luke.

Love, Peace & Freedom.

I'm sure this helps out a lot of people in need, which is especially surprising coming from a country where there is a overwhelming population. I'm not quite sure that paying customers will appreciate the smell and lack of seating left for those who pay