The End Is Here For U.S Foreign Policy and Hegemony

in news •  9 years ago  (edited)

Just finished this video and I am still shocked at how internationally this is so important but yet its getting barely any attention here in U.S media. I will be covering this issue a lot more on here and most importantly stay tuned for an economic update. What do you think of all this and how do you think economically this will affect the U.S?


The Final Nail In The Coffin Of U.S Supremacy and Hegemony

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the latest geopolitical news of  China joining forces with Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Russia determining the future of Syria. The U.S is being left out of this important international influential decision and with other escalations this looks like a grave future for U.S foreign policy. To get the real news go to so we can continue and expand our operations for you.


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I tell people about your reports and they look at me like I'm crazy. They are content with being spoon fed bullshit that doesn't matter. All the really care about is the Democrats "taking their guns away". How did this happen, it makes me want to hang my head in shame.

Yes, it's discusting.

Thanks for this great post Luke ! We are all Change here on Steemit ! Keep the flag of Truth flying on our all new blockchain of Liberty from Global enslavery !

@ lukewearechange thank you for the video, but why not link from youtube to steemit liek you did with facebook etc.?

Keep up the good work, I really appreciate people like you who give us the real news! In the video, you said, "Their (the US government's) relationship with the world it at a very low point [...] What people view the United States as it's not the same as we were viewed years ago."

Funny how that works. The US government kills millions of innocent people around the world and are surprised when people don't like them anymore?

I think you need to separate the two, the US government and it's people. The government hasn't represented the people for many years now. Just look at our current elections, it's a fucking joke.

I agree completely and my intent was exactly that. I only said "What people view the United States as" because that was an exact quote from the video.

I drove for uber at Purdue University witch has a large number of Chinese students. I would strike up conversations with them and most of the time they would look at me oddly. I would have to remind them that everyone in American isn't a war mongering, bible thumping, redneck as portrad in the new.

It's not just that they have played a part in killing so many people around it's the fact that they blame others for it and say it's them that is fixing all of these problems. That's a real asshole of a thing to do.

It's so scarey how well dumbed down and controlled the population is. I swear more people would be care about Kanye running for president in 2020 than this.

I knew this was big when I heard it. Hey, maybe we should pull our troops out of...everywhere and concentrate on our own country for awile, say, the next couple of centuries. Then we can be a global community instead like the little global community we have on here.
By the way, Luke thank you for telling me about #steemit , I love it here. Fb was really agitating and it is much calmer here. And way less trolls to muddy up the conversations helps too. Again I cannot thank you enough. Cheers

It can't be good. The process of removing the dollar as the world's reserve currency may be starting...

It has been a process going on for years.

The $ will lose world reserve currency status but will be the last currency to hyper inflate.

War is the health of the state. Governments around the world find themselves in dire straits... A war would certainly solve many of their problems.

Hi @lukewearechange, dropping by to let you know that my new post "The 40 anarchists you want to follow on Steemit!" is up, and you're on the list :-) You can find it here

TPTB know the US dollar is on it's way out - the question is, what are they going to do to prevent the next reserve currency being based on an Eastern superpower?

All is well. But using less space between the lines. It takes up too much space in the post. Post becomes less readable.

Good video @lukewearechange do you have a patreon account to help donate to your cause. I don't have much but would like to contribute to your hard work.

Nice post, takes me back to undergrad PS courses!

Any other Berniecrats checking out this post who want to help get more of us on this platform to help up vote content like this?

Yes well we'll all have to share the hell out of this- Thank you Luke for this post- couldn't agree more! LOVE your work! upvoting, sharing, following!!!

Maybe mainstream news isn't reporting these things but that the beauty of the Internet/tech age, we have people like yourself doing real journalism, thank you for your posts and insight! I just wish Bitcoin was more ready for people to jump the dollar ship. In due time though, I guess. Great post!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

The idea of a military disagreement between the US and China is terrifying. This is the closest something has felt to a Game of Thrones esque geopolitical conflict, where I'm pretty sure Bashar al-Assad is a bad guy (war criminal and despite being elected essentially a dictator) but ISIS is worse, and there is support on both sides. And Turkey is a fucking mess too, cooperation between Erdogan and Putin is also terrifying. While I didn't agree with the decision to move into Iraq/Afghanistan, I was never really that worried with the US fight against al qaeda or ISIS becoming a more global struggle, this is far scarier than either of those.

I think a one world government is scarier. Don't get me wrong, it is terrifying but the world needs other nations to stand against America's joke of a foreign policy.

Luke is the man!

The US needs to start to acknowledge other countries as having influence and come out of the dream world she is living in

Agreed, hopefully before the world descends into WWIII

Wow, this is huge. It’s about time Turkey was exposed for trading oil with terrorists. It never ceases to amaze me how none of this reaches the main stream media. I love your videos @lukewearechange. Timedeclaring Russia, Syria and Iran the new “Axis of Evil” is huge. America just won’t stop. I never grow tired of your content and I rely heavily on people such as yourself for my information.

I doubt America will back down without a fight, they can’t maintain the illusion of an economic recovery indefinatley and they need war. They could cripple Isis in days and I am glad that they are being exposed.

Good work Luke. I appreciate all the hard work and reporting you are doing.

I wonder if this is why Obama is putting out all the recent executive orders that makes it seem something big is going to happen. I'm even wondering if we will have an election.

I am an Anarchist who came to the philosophy through an intense study of the BIBLE. Voluntarism, with property rights, is the form of government given to the nation of Israel by our heavenly FATHER as they entered the promise land. Any CHRISTian that will take the time to study GOD's letter to you, in the original languages it was written in, will have no choice but to become an Anarchist. My channel has the raw recording of our family's nightly BIBLE study's. We go through the WORD of TRUTH book by book, chapter by chapter & verse by verse. Are you curious & want to know what our heavenly FATHER think of people that let other people rule over them? Then come by our channel & hear the TRUTH for yourself. Moral men need no masters. If GOD be your, KING why would you need, want or trust any person rule over you? GOD is my KING, I'll bow to no other.

People keep living this lie as if this shit aint happening. Just wait till shit hits the fan

While us making allies with aseans country such as Philippine , Malaysia , Singapore and etc .
This doesn't look good .

keep up the good work luke

People are no longer putting up with the U.S. heavy hand of violent and hypocritical foreign policy and starting conflicts just so it can fight itself, and the broken dollar is on the verge of being discarded.
And people are acting like these are somehow bad.

Nice post. Tnx