Today's my birthday…
but I don’t have good news to share with you. This situation is only going to get worse. And it's really meant to push a civil war.
In the video above, I cover an assassination of a black Trump supporter. A story that was covered mostly by right leaning media. And almost completely ignored by the MSM.
The Austin protest shooting. Which was something that happened after the victim ran toward the driver with an AK-47.
And the shooting at the Louisville NFAC black militia protest. Something that happened after a gun accidentally fired. And not because of an armed confrontation between opposing militia groups, which is how the media built up the event to be.
Which leads us to...
The truth is the MSM is pushing a narrative that leads to divide and conquer.
Which is an outcome that's a lot better for the special interests then protesters focusing on them.
So because of this insanity and because the average person still doesn't get it...
We've laid it out in a simple and easy to understand shirt.
All you've gotta do is get it and wear it around town.
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