The Last Man Out Who Never Left - William Rodriguez Re-Experiences 9/11

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today is- of course, the anniversary of an event that that changed the world 16 years ago. The 9-11 attacks were devastating, and they still sit fresh in my mind. Humans who were at ground zero when they took place, have much to share with us.

On this day of remembrance, I was honored to interview the last man out of the North Tower of the World Trade Center before it collapsed.

William Rodriguez risked his own life many times over saving others' lives that day- as so many around the world are aware, and in-appreciation of.

He relives many of the tragic and traumatic experiences he endured. and yet also keeps his voice tuned to educating many who have been duped into believing ridiculous lies from the corprotocracy- funded MSM.


Today he shared so many things- including how he's repeatedly ignored by the MSM.

Having been a heroic force in the center of one of the most infamous events of U.S. history- he's interacted with many politicians and celebrities.

So why has the ratings-hungry MSM largely ignored him, and his hair-raising accounts of that day?

Could it be that the corporate media along with government are nothing more than symbiotic parasites, working together to fraudulently warp public opinion?

That's pretty obvious if you ask me- and to blatantly turn their backs on a true national hero makes it that much worse!


During our interview, you can see that William was reliving the tragedy. Being one of the very few individuals to possess a master key for the North Tower, his first thoughts after the initial impact were in regards to the safety and well being of others.

Before learning of information about what was actually happening on 9-11 reached his ears, he had already began saving lives.

“A guy named Felipe David comes running screaming Explosion, explosion, explosion!” William recalls, “I see that something is hanging from off of his finger and it looks like it was burnt, and I look closer..

Everybody's screaming because we realize his skin was pulled off of his hands and also under both of his arms."

He said, “I was there for 20 years- I knew the whole building inside and out, so I say "Follow Me", and I led them away while helping Felipe.”

3-William became world renoun for his heroic actions.jpg

Willie repeatedly brought people to safety- then returned to the devastated North Tower to assist police and firefighters in more rescues.

With his extensive knowledge of the building, and a master key he was instrumental in getting emergency personnel to those that were trapped. He even brought parched fire fighters water.

“They go in and they started to collapse one by one on the floor. The state they were in and so tired- they have no more stamina. Some took the jackets off, some of them to their boots off and they sat down on the floor trying to recover.”

He still seemed to see their faces in his mind, “They were trying to get a second breath and when I saw it I said oh my ... God those are my heroes.”

He then led a police officer to a nearby vending machine, and immediately kicked it in. Still having a sense of humor he said, “I have to be getting out of here I'm the Puerto Rican- you are going to blame me for that.”


William aided many first-responders, and others escape the North Tower with their lives thankfully in tact.

Many still live today because of his heroic efforts on that horrific day. It was not until right before the structure began to collapse that he fled the building.

He quickly dove under a fire truck for shelter, and in turn became trapped,- subsequently rescuing himself.

In our interview, William tells us many of his experiences that directly contradict the 'official' malarky we're still hearing from MSM.Gov


He now lives with both survivors guilt and PTSD.

And can still taste the dust, and remember the feeling of choking while trying to catch a breath.

He still sees the people jumping from the building, and their mangled bodies after they landed.

William is truly a man who saw hell on earth and risked everything in order to save others.

At one point when he was pretty sure he was going to die, and he prayed that his body would stay together in death, so his mother could see him for the last time as she knew him.


There are so many stories of bravery in the face of death that can be told from that day in history, and Willie says that those that did not make it out were the real heroes.

So many human lives were lost that day, and many brave first-responders would die later due to strange illnesses that plagued them for years and years.


Is it not the duty of us all to demand that the truth be told about what really happened on September 11, 2001?

I believe it is.. for ourselves, the thousands of lives lost that day, and the millions of innocent humans who continue to be killed and disabled in the Orwellian-named "War on Terror."

Those that hold the key to the truth are not generous humans like Willie Rodriguez, and they will likely keep that door locked- unless we demand that it's opened.


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1st! Luke!, why you gotta look like my kid brother?

In France and I think in Europe as well when the elites start to realized more and more people where starting to go into some call: conspiracy theory they started to use all the tools of propaganda they gots. They did so well then today in France whatever the fact or the theory you starting to express if it's not the same as the mainstream media you will be automatically put into the case ;théoricien of the conspiracy. Every journalistes and famous people knows everyone acting like they is only one truth and if you want to know it ,you just have to watch TV.....they are very good at it.
French still believes we are living under a free democracy.......
Thank for your work
Take care

Lukewearechange# you shared one informative topic and it is heart touching to me.... you expressed it very nicely.. thanks for that.... i waiting for your next post.... fully supported to you by commenting and upvoted...

It's a man made event to unite the people with the government at the centre to be the saviour & hero.
Don't play init,avoid it!!!!

great interview Luke. A hero like him needs reporter like you

Great interview. Thanks for the great content

How could one forget that terrible gave a big shock to the people of the world ..i still remember that day when the news channels telecasted was very touching .. ...

@lukewearechange I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth.

@lukewearechange I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth.

My thoughts are with the victims, survivors and their loved ones. Unfortunately countless lives are being lost around the world as if human lives don't matter as a severe lack of empathy.
We needs more super heroes like William Rodriguez.