RE: Trump’s Administration Obstructs Justice in Goldman Sachs Cases

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Trump’s Administration Obstructs Justice in Goldman Sachs Cases

in news •  7 years ago 

What about treason by Obama Administration:
-leaks and unmasking of citizens by susan rice
-Obama and clinton’s Use of private email server
-Clinton’s wipeout emails
-Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting
-Loretta Lynch and comey calling Clinton emails/server a matter as opposed to investigation
-strzok/coney changing criminal negligence to extreme carelessness to save Hillary
-uranium one deal
-Iran nuclear deal
-comey leaked memo to the press
-McCabe/strzok/page anti-trump conspiracy and insurance policy
-secret society to which strzok & Lisa page belong and deep state
-Hillary campaign collided with fusion gps, Christopher Steele and Russian agent to get fisa warrant to spy on American citizens

  • fake unverified dossier 1 and 2 as baseless grounds to obtain fisa
  • tainted fisa court by democrats
    -dems in bed with fake news media reporting lies every day
    -doj official bobby Orr and his wife who works for fusion gps colluded with Christopher Steele to create lies for fake dossier
  • sheard work for Hillary and hillary’s allies and obama’s state department fed fake stories to Christopher Steele to create dossier #2 to back up dossier #1 for fisa warrant
  • fake news media spreading fake news every day to give credibility to fake dossier
    This is not even 1/2 of the Democrats & Obama’s & Hillary ‘s dirty laundry list. Need to create excel spreadsheet to track 8 years of Obama’s and 8 years of Clinton corruption at least, not including the Washington establishment and deep state. Obama administration’s traitorous acts and behavior to try to bring down the country are disgusting (ie with sanctuary cities & states, illegal immigration, daca and much much more).
    Need an objective historians to record everything so future generations would take heed and never fall prey to democrats!
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