Despite the father of 38 children trust and trust in Allah. She wants more children. Tasi Gulzar Hossain resides in Bannu city of Pakistan. He said, God will arrange. He has the system of the Rijkak.
Pakistan tops South Asia's birth rate Every woman gives birth to three children in that country. Estimates from the World Bank and the primary information of the government that this birth rate remains unchanged.
57-year-old Gulzar is a resident of Bannu city in Pakistan. His three wives. After 36 children, the third wife is pregnant. About 36 children, he said, "Allah has made the whole world human. Why should I stop this process of being a child? The family of Islam prohibits planning. We want to be strong. They will not need friends to sit together 23 kids, and they will not need friends to play cricket.
His brother Mustan Khan Wazir Khan's 22 children He also got married three. In Wajir's words, my grandchildren are many. I can not say that. In his words, Allah has said that He will give everything. I trust him. The number of children of Balochistan Jan Mohammad is 38.
She is dreaming to be the father of one hundred children again. So she decided to get married to the fourth. But not getting a good girl. Paley will get married. And the 'Centurion' will be the father. Jan Mohammed also said that the population of Muslims should be increased.
Polygamy is the legal matter in Pakistan. According to the custom of Islam, a man can marry four men. If you have the capability But there are very few cases. Polygamy is not present in Khan family
In Pakistan, if the population increases in such a situation, the suffering will increase. So some experts advise population control But they all agreed not to agree. They say, God will make arrangements, why will the cause of poverty lead to more children? It's going to be rich by this.