The Evolution of the Revolution 5

in news •  5 years ago 


In this episode, I bring you a Voluntaryist perspective on the news from January 29th - February 4th of 2020.

  1. The Tyrant in Chief signs the North American Union into law
  2. Britain's last day in the EU
  3. More on Coronavirus
  4. The farce in Iowa

Commentary- Think for yourself

Best of Nigel Farage

My Steemit article about Kokesh and Calexit-

Adam Kokesh at Calexit event this past Sunday-

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  • Deliberately, over 80% of immigrants that come into Europe or the US are men around their 20's:

(as a classical historian, I could go into even more detail as to why the family depicted isn't AT ALL a typical Roman-British family)
  • Many people aren't even fleeing from wars: they're just jumping on the backs of people who actually are just to get into Europe and take over:

  • It's not "fear of immigrants" - it's a fear of ILLEGAL immigrants, deliberately funded and brought into the West to destroy Western Civilization. Gun control and mass enforced immigration are actually very linked topics; the globalists want to disarm the populations of Europe and the US so that no one can defend themselves when the illegals attack, which they do.

    The Kalergi Plan