Another GLEE Star Dead

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Mark Salling, 35, more famously known as  bad boy Noah Puckerman in "Glee". The actor was said to have hung himself after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography.

As someone who grew up to watching GLEE, it pains me once more because it is a show that glorifies diversity and teaches positivity to its audience by means of music. When Cory Monteith (the actor who played Finn Hudson) died from drug overdose, fans like myself were stunned by that. Now here's another death of someone who was a part of such a beloved TV series. 

Child pornography is no laughing matter. As a mother, I would be the first to shake my head at that. This news disappoints me and it even disappoints me more that he took the easy way out. However, I would be the last to judge him. There is no need for me to since Salling admitted his mistakes. There's really nothing else to do but to remember the good 'ol days when singing seemed to make everything bearable in life, as what the cast of Glee had tried to teach it's viewers.  

*Information from

*Images from and

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