Local cops in Vegas ordered to release records on Paddock/shooting by NV Supreme Court: BUT BLOW THEM OFF!!

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

Wait a minute...I thought courts were the supreme power in the country now?? Seems like in every other situation--even when the President makes an order--the courts speak, the earth shakes, and everyone bows down in worship. But now, it seems, the local police in Las Vegas answer to some greater power. WT..????

The media and citizens in Nevada and across the country have been asking for eight months now for the whole truth on likely C.I.A. drug and gun runner, Stephen Paddock, and despite the Supreme Court, it looks like they'll have to keep waiting. Here is a link with some more information on the situation:


Despite the department's recalcitrance, there is more to the story and the tug-'o-war continues (source: https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/supreme-court-orders-release-of-audio-video-from-las-vegas-shooting/:

A Clark County judge ruled in February that Metro had 30 days to hand over all the records, which were requested days after the Oct. 1 shooting. But Metro contested it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and take much longer to produce the footage and audio.

In March, District Judge Richard Scotti gave Metro a total of six months to fulfill the request, but ordered the department to immediately begin releasing the records on a “rolling basis.”

Metro initially appealed Scotti’s ruling in district court, but about a month later, the department changed its appeal to be with the Nevada Supreme Court. That move prompted District Judge Stefany Miley to accuse Metro of intentionally stalling the release of records, which she considered “gamesmanship.”

The Friday ruling means the department is compelled to begin releasing the footage and audio.

“It is my personal hope that every other Southern Nevada government entity that is flagrantly violating the Nevada Public Records Act will see this decision — and so many others that have preceded it — and finally understand the futility of their embrace of secrecy,” Cook said.

I betcha everything mysteriously disappears before the deadline is up. Wait for it.....

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howdy @mepatriot! you got upvoted by a robot?? a famous one at that jeez. and what is this word "recalcitrance"? oh lord is that a calcium deficiency?