The darkest day in New Zealand's history....

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)


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I was watching the news over and over again today, and I just couldn't believe it...

Where's our humanity? Our compassion...?

There are way too many lunatics out there on the streets that should have been enclosed in mental institutions...because, I just can't find a reasonable explanation for what took place today in New Zealand.

One of the shooters (according to the police they are 3) invaded into 2 mosques where Muslims were praying and without any hesitation, killed 40 people and injured at least 20 more with a shotgun...

He was also filming the attacks. Can you even believe it? How twisted is that? There are some videos of the attack on the web that are so brutal, that I stopped watching them...

It appears that there are three suspects and one of them is Australian. Australian government confirmed that.

I considered uploading some of these videos, but then again I don't want this massacre to live forever in our blockchain.

I really hope for the best to all those families that lost someone today...

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Το ειδα το βιντεο με τους συνεργους που λεει. Το κατεβασαν στο αψε σβησε αλλ το ειδα...Ηταν ενας τυπος με πορτοκαλι στολη κι αλλος ενας...

Καποιος το εχει ανεβασει και στο blockchain. Θα το βρω και τηα στο δειξω αν δε το εχεις δει

I have some Muslim friends and this is what they feared would happen a lot earlier than what it has. Due to extremists doing what they have under the guise of being Muslims this has set a target on their backs for nutters like what we saw today. I have also been surprised that it hasn't happened a lot sooner.

Whatever the reason, this was pure violence...terrorism.

I have also been surprised that it hasn't happened a lot sooner

How come they where not protected by the police since people were expecting something like this to happen?

Friday is mosque day as all Muslims do the midday prayer. I haven't seen or read about it, but was told about it this evening. I have no idea what time the attacks took place but if midday it was guaranteed carnage.
I am sure things will change now , but it is always too little too late.

Death penalty, very slowly and painful.
No further comment.

I 'd love to see him suffer. Really.

It just makes me sad when lives are are taken by such an atrocious act. My heart goes out to the families and friends of those snatched out of this life.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The cry is that these people will be sentenced. I understand that, it's tremendous what happened. I feel how hard they are suffering, it is horrible what happened. The look is directed to these perpetrators.
We humans have to do something. Punishment is the evil of everything. The uncomfortable opposing gaze must be directed to the life we lead before terrible things happen. What is disregarded is that a much more formidable process must be accomplished before anything happens. Namely, that everyone feels comfortable in themselves. We all have to make this possible. We finally have to start doing this.
I say it very quietly, I am not a punitive person.