Today In Stupid - MSM Claims #VirginiaRally Is White Supremacist

in news •  5 years ago 

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Remember the democrat governor of Virginia who was recently caught up in the blackface and KKK controversy, when a photo of him surfaced and he couldn't remember if he was dressed in black face or the clan robes? The exact same governor who was pushing bill HB 2491, the late term abortion bill for up to 42 weeks, and even just after birth. Well governor Northam is back in the news this time because he wants to impose stricter gun control laws in the state of Virginia. Unfortunately for him a bunch of gun right's activists decided to have a rally to oppose this new legislation, I say a bunch, it was more like 22,000 people most opening carrying their guns, peacefully protested on Monday. Ironically this is why the Second Amendment is there to begin with, so that people in power can not infringe on the rights of citizens.

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - United States Constitution

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Leading up to the event which the mainstream media had already decided would be a white nationalist and white supremacists rally, because gun rights fall on the right so therefore must be the will of the führer. They then started doing everything in their power to drum up fear with click-bait headlines, saying this will be exactly like Charlottesville three years ago. They then report that people are scared of violence breaking out, yeah because MSM literally just went on about this being white supremacist event. The media makes up bullshit racist accusations to instil fear and to get clicks and views, then reports on the fear it has just created all for clicks and views, and if violence actually happens they get even more clicks and views. They literally create narratives for profit, and it's in their interest to do so. But gun rights folks are not just white, there are folks from every walk of life, and the turn out at the rally was amazing, it was the exact opposite of the woman's rally or an antifa rally, it was peaceful with people wanting nothing more than their constitutionally protected rights upheld.

"The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out." - Dave Chappelle

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How do we stop the UN from taking our guns, city by city?

How do we stop the
UN from taking our guns,
City by city?

                 - joeyarnoldvn

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I don't think the UN will ever be able to take your guns... 400 million guns, probably never gonna happen.

But regardless of that, better safe than sorry. And they're not the only ones trying to conquer America.