A Biden presidency could bring a wave of policy shifts. Here are the ones you likely care about.

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A Biden presidency could bring a wave of policy shifts. Here are the ones you likely care about.

For the first time in a decade, Democrats will control both chambers of Congress, as well as the White House.

President-elect Joe Biden, who will be sworn in to office on Wednesday, has made clear his top priorities will be to not only reverse some of those implemented by President Donald Trump’s administration, but also to implement aggressive relief toward COVID-19, and several areas of progressive legislation.

Any of Biden's legislative priorities will have to pass through the Senate, which is narrowly Democratic-controlled but still requires at least 10 Republican votes to advance legislation and break a filibuster. Biden's proposals are likely to pass the Democratic-controlled House. .

Now, America is likely to experience a tidal wave in policy shifts. Here’s what some of those policies changes may include, how they may be achieved, and what that means to your life:

Biden has made clear that one big change between his and Trump's administrations will be the seriousness with which he approaches the coronavirus pandemic. While Trump has at times embraced conspiracy and downplayed the seriousness of the virus, Biden has said he will impress upon Americans the severity of the pandemic and urge precautions.

Biden says getting control of the COVID-19 pandemic will be a top priority as soon as he takes office, along with supporting Americans financially during the economic challenges that have come from the pandemic.

He has said he will urge Americans to wear masks consistently through the first 100 days of his administration and mandating mask-wearing where possible, such as for federal employees.

More:Biden introduces $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that includes $1,400 stimulus checks

He also introduced a $1.9 trillion spending package to speed the distribution of the coronavirus vaccines and provide economic relief. The package proposal includes investing $20 billion in a national vaccination program, $1,400 stimulus checks and expanding unemployment insurance supplements to $400 per week. Some Republicans in Congress have said Biden's plan is too expensive and misguided.

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Biden’s goal is to provide 100 million vaccinations during the first 100 days of his administration starting Jan. 20, while the pace so far has been slower than that.

"I know what I just described does not come cheaply," Biden said upon announcing his package. "But failure to do so will cost us dearly."

Millions of Americans currently face uncertainty regarding their housing security as massive job losses driven by the COVID-19 crisis has crippled citizens.

More:The federal eviction moratorium expires in January. It could leave 40 million Americans homeless.

In response to the looming crisis, Biden will call on Congress to pass sweeping protections and financial relief for those at risk of losing their homes due to the ongoing and still worsening pandemic.

In addition to the $25 billion in aid approved in the most recent $900 billion stimulus package, Biden plans to ask lawmakers to approve $30 billion in rental assistance to stop a wave of evictions, according to CNBC. He will also ask Congress to extend eviction and foreclosure bans until Sept. 30, 2021.


Opinion: Millions of Americans have faced eviction amid COVID-19; 'I have no idea what to do.'

Millions are on the verge of being evicted with the federal eviction moratorium set to expire at the end of January.

Additionally, Biden plans to provide a refundable tax credit of up to $15,000 that will help Americans pull together a down payment to purchase a home, shore up rental aid provided by the federal government, and dedicate $10 billion toward expanding a tax credit that spurs the building or revamping of rental housing for low-wage earners.

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Biden also has proposed several steps to root out the systemic racism that has hindered the ability for people of color, particularly African Americans, to buy or hold on to property – from onerous interest rates that leave them vulnerable to falling behind on payments, ending up in foreclosure, to biases that undervalue homes simply because they are owned by Black people.

This would be a reversal from the Trump administration, whose Department of Housing and Urban Development and Secretary, Ben Carson, suspended the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule.

The 2015 provision required communities receiving federal development funds to submit plans to "overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination."

Trump made it no secret that he was a skeptic on all things climate change.

As a result, nearly 100 environmental rollbacks occurred under the Trump administration over the past four years to loosen regulations on everything from air and water quality to wildlife.

More:Trump's EPA rewrote the rules on air, water energy.

Biden, who has called climate change "an existential threat to the health of our planet and to our very survival," has made it a focal point of his incoming administration and vowed to reverse some of the Trump administration's policies, as well as enact some more of his own to combat climate change.

He is likely to undo most of Trump’s environmental rollbacks with his executive powers.

Additionally, after Trump formally withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, the global pact forged five years ago among hundreds of nations to halt the devastating impacts of climate change, Biden has said the U.S. would rejoin the accord as soon as possible.

As a result of Trump’s withdrawal, the U.S. was the only internationally recognized country in the world not participating in the Paris Agreement.

Biden has pledged to rejoin the agreement immediately after being sworn into office.

Climate Point: Biden-Harris win sparks hope for climate action

Biden’s climate goals include 100% clean energy by 2035, vastly expanding wind and solar to get the nation to net-zero emissions by 2050, upgrading millions of buildings and homes to be more energy-efficient, plugging abandoned oil and gas wells, reclaiming mines and making environmental justice a key consideration.

Biden also said he will shift the federal fleet of vehicles from gas to electric, which will support 1 million jobs at carmakers and their supply chains. He has proposed the government would provide grants to retool factories, build 500,000 charging stations for electric vehicles along highways, and expanding light and high-speed rail.

More:Biden proposes $2 trillion to spur development of 100% clean energy by 2035

Biden's proposal to spend $2 trillion over four years to spur the development of more energy without increasing greenhouse gas emissions requires Congress to go along.

Though Harris would be the tie-breaker for simple majority votes in the Senate, passing aggressive climate bills soon may be unlikely unless more Republican lawmakers jump on board than in years past.

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