What exactly is the cause of Myanmar oppressing Rohingya Muslims?

in news •  7 years ago 

What exactly is the cause of Myanmar oppressing Rohingya Muslims?. The persecution of the Rohingyas is still happening. Recently the government of Myanmar to deploy troops to Rakhine Province. Dozens of people were killed as government troops stormed the villages.

The conflict between the Rohingyas and the majority of Myanmar's Buddhist-majority population seems endless. Tens of thousands of Rohingya are displaced to other countries, including Indonesia.


What exactly is the cause of Myanmar oppressing Rohingya Muslims?. In Myanmar, Rohingyas are not recognized as citizens. They have difficulty accessing health, education and decent housing. Violence also continues.
What is the real issue in Myanmar? Is the Rohingya conflict purely religious?

In general people argue, Rohingya crisis in Myanmar is a matter of religion. But according to the head of research at the South Asia Democratic Forum, Siegfried O Wolf, the crisis is more political and economic.

From the geographical side, the Rohingyas are a group of about a million Muslims and live in the state of Rakhine. Rakhine region is also occupied by the majority of people who embrace Buddhism.

Rakhine is known as a region rich in natural resources. But it becomes unbalanced when in rrohingya.jpgeality there is a high level of poverty.

"The community of Rakhine citizens feels culturally discriminated against, is also economically exploited and politically dismantled by the Burmese-dominated central government.In this special context, Rohingya is regarded by the Rakhine people as an additional rival and a threat to their own identity.This is the main cause of tension in the state, and has resulted in a number of armed conflicts between the two groups, "Siegfried O Wolf said when interviewed by German media Deutsche Welle (DW).

The majority of Rakhine citizens regard Rohingya as a rival in terms of finding employment as well as for the opportunity to entrepreneurship. From political issues, Rakhine residents feel that the Rohingyas have betrayed them for not voting for the majority political parties of the local population.

"So practically speaking, Buddhism's dislike for Rohingyas is not only a matter of religion, it is driven by political and economic problems," Wolf said.

This is exacerbated by the attitude of the Burmese government rather than promoting reconciliation, but instead supports Buddhist fundamentalist groups.


Buddhists in the world itself condemn the violence of hard-liners in Myanmar. In 2014, the Dalai Lama called on Buddhists to stop violence in Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

"I call upon Buddhists in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, to imagine the Buddha's face before they commit a crime.The Buddha teaches love and compassion If the Buddha is there, he will protect the Muslims from the attacks of Buddhists," the Dalai Lama's message.

Inside Myanmar, hardly anyone defends the Rohingyas. The world condemns Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi who is silent about the persecution of Rohingyas.

The fate of Rohingya Muslims is still far from peaceful. #prayforrohingya

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Ya ALLAH help to the muslims.

I hope the miracle will come soon @babarrajo

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