As a producer of Sukhoi fighter jets such as the Su-27/30 and Su-35, the usual Russian fighter pilots flying Sukhoi turned out to have a striking difference compared to the Indonesian Sukhoi (TNI AU) pilots.
Both in Russia and Indonesia operational costs to fly Sukhoi fighter jets are known to be very expensive.
Because every hour fly Sukhoi cost, sesui written Angkasaterbitan Magazine December 3, 2011 equivalent to 2 to 3 price of Toyota Kijang car.
If the cost of flying the Sukhoi every hour is calculated in 2018, then it can be assumed to be equivalent to the price of 2 to 3 Kijang Innova cars or more than Rp 1 billion.
The way to calculate the cost per hour of flying Sukhoi is indeed only internal TNI AU knows.
But the cost required for one hour of flying in Sukhoi globally is fuel, decreased airframe function of the aircraft so that it accelerates to the stage of maintenance, decreases the number of flying hours, and more.