Hot For Teacher

in news •  7 years ago 

That classic van Halen song about wanting your teacher… but who knew your teacher would reciprocate the feeling?!


Here we go again, another female teacher has been implicated on having sexual relations with one of her students. This time, not at one of your local ‘run of the mill’ high schools, but rather at the ultra-posh Brentwood School in Los Angeles, California—school to the stars.
Aimee Palmitessa (45), a Chemistry teacher of 7 years was arrested for having inappropriate relations with a 16-year-old student as well as possession of ecstasy. She recently posted the $230,000 bail and is scheduled in court later this month.



Has the world going completely mad?! Was there always this lapse in adult judgement? Are we just more privy to these happenings thanks to the ever present media and social networks? All throughout my schooling it never occurred to me that this could happen – students and teachers having relations!

Lately, there seems to be a blurring of what is appropriate adult and child behavior. Is it a middle-age crisis or a way to reminisce of a past you want to keep alive? There is an expression which goes like 'you’re only as young as you feel', well there’s no better way than by doing stupid teenager stuff, I suppose. Of course, there are no answers to these questions only speculations. What she did was criminal no matter how ‘hot’ or not the victim was for his teacher. In the end, the student is a child and she broke the law and now faces severe consequences.

The mentioning of this happening at an elite school should not matter (and doesn’t) – kids are the same everywhere and should be protected and be afforded a safe environment away from these predators. I merely mentioned it because I thought better screening processes would be employed in this setting.


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In my country it would be legal, as the legal age of consent is 16. It's very weird that a woman that age wants a boy aged 16, but I don't think it's necessarily worse that he has sex with an older woman as opposed to a girl his age. I was attracted to women who were at least 30 in that age, those I told rejected me because I was too young(and possibly several other reasons..) I never thought they saved me from sexual traumas. Did they?

I'm not sure what the attraction to students is... perhaps the fact that it's illegal, maybe that's what turns people on. But man that's a high price to pay - lose your job, your right to practice teaching and your reputation.