HEADLINES: Thursday, August 10th, 2017 - North Korean Crisis, Censorship Increasing, Sndbox, Vault 7 Couch Potato, and more

in news •  7 years ago 

Alternative Media

Pentagon Unveils Plan For "Pre-Emptive Strike" On North Korea
Ben Garrison On Dirty Politics & "Flirting With Civil War"
Flashback: Powell Said NK Began Cheating on Clinton-Era Nuclear Deal ‘Before The Ink Was Dry’
CNS News
Nasty Stephen Colbert to North Korea: Don’t Nuke Guam; They Didn’t Vote for Trump!
ABC Completely Misrepresents Fired Google Engineer's Memo on Diversity
King Of Fake News Brian Williams: “Our Job Is To Scare People To Death”
Susan Rice Urges Donald Trump to ‘Tolerate Nuclear Weapons in North Korea’
Fourth Turning's Neil Howe Warns The Amazon-Walmart Rivalry Will Determine The Future Of Retail

Alternative Media Section II

Why Data About the Opioid Epidemic Is So Unreliable
North Korea Responds to Trump in Bluster War Escalation That Could Get Us All Into a Real War
Stop Equating “Science” With Truth
California Cities Are Trying to Shun the Companies That Build Trump's Wall
EXCLUSIVE: Trump Admin Abandons Latino Outreach For Obamacare Sign-Ups
Two Key UN Aides To Haley Resign Amid Growing Tensions With North Korea
Trump Appointee Stoked Birther Conspiracy
Ron Johnson: McCain Is ‘Not Impaired In Any Way, Shape Or Form’

Mainstream Media

Graham: Trump's 'fire and fury' comment 'probably necessary'
Trump’s claim that U.S. nuclear arsenal is ‘now far stronger and more powerful’
The Washington Post
Trump Continues Taunts of Senate GOP Leader Over Health Care
US News
Officials: Babysitters put infant in fridge, posted video online
Boston Herald
$175k pension awaits New Orleans water board chief after flood
Man arrested after jogger shoved woman into path of oncoming bus in London
The Washington Post
Canadian pastor freed from North Korea on his way home
ABC News
Low-Flying Russian Surveillance Plane Flies Over Capitol and Pentagon

Steem #News

State of the Sndbox - Week 2 [Best Practices, New Steemians, STEEM Park KR!]
The Biggest Lie Sold To Us About North Korea 💣 ⁉️
YouTube Has Nearly Demonetized Me ENTIRELY & Other Independent Medias Are Facing The Same...
COUCH POTATO | New Vault 7 Release Reveals Live Streaming Video Capture And Collection Tool
Flying Taxis Get A $30 Million Boost
The Unsolved Mystery of the Death of James Edward Gibson - David Kessler, Webster Group, and more.
Fired Coder Speaks Out On Google's "Potentially Illegal Practices", "Recorded Meetings" And "Science Denial"
The North Korean Crisis - An Orchestrated Plan For Order Out Of Chaos

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Im really horrified about the whole US - North Korea Crisis we are heading on ! if this really will escalate we wont have a bright future just one more Bright moment and after that it will get pretty dark i guess !

It is difficult to say what will happen. Some people say it is just posturing, but even then posturing with nukes is not a pleasant thought.

your post is Amazing @newsagg i like your post.
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Nice post, I upvote and resteem your post, do it for mee too next time. thank you