Forced to wear a mask even with a Dr.'s note
I was recently contacted by a friend about a single mother of a special needs student at an elementary school in Spokane, WA. I reached out to the mother telling her I'd like to help if I could. She relayed to me that she had a 5th grade son at Finch elementary. The short version is her son was set to attend in person classes with some of his peers. The principle at Finch elementary had refused the fair and equal access to education promised and guaranteed her son through the Americans with disabilities act(ADA). Telling her her son could only attend school if he wore a mask or a face shield with a drape covering his mouth and nose.
Helping our communities where it is welcomed and we can
If you know anything about me you know I'm no fan of the state and it's arbitrary rules. However, if there is one thing I believe the rules of the state are for it's using their own statutes to hold employees and businesses of the state accountable and make them abide by their own rules. I have a son that is in the special needs program in a district just outside Spokane but still in Washington. I am well aware of the battles that go along with trying to have a special needs child socialized and brought up in a public education setting. I told her of my position and my belief I could help her. She was excited to not only have help but also the support of someone else in her community. This is last part is the most powerful thing of all. We must rally around those in our communities struggling with the intimidating and coercive corporation known as the state. We must help each other realize liberty and freedom. Voluntary interactions between free people forming the bonds between real people of a real community is much more powerful than a group of people who have taken bribes from the ruling class to control the people they call a community.
Public Records requests - what I've learned
I've done a few records requests now with a few different agencies. I've done requests from municipal agencies to federal agencies. It's a pretty standard procedure, although each state and the federal government has their own rules that can affect costs to retrieve the records as well as a few other minor things. For this request I applied something I learned recently that helps get some of the desired records returned a little faster. Quite by accident and friend and I learned we can get screenshots of a persons email inbox or sent emails folder for that matter. The advantage of this is it can give us lot of different broad information and is usually much quicker to get a response. Then we can use this broad spectrum of information to dial in on more specific emails or records. Since we know can see subjects of emails in the example we can request for specific subject or recipients etc. This makes requests for individual emails quicker to get back because we are asking for specific emails rather than general terms that might be included in emails not pertaining to the subject at hand. This is just a little something I've learned I thought I would pass along. Now on to the goodies.
Getting the results
I asked for screenshots of principle O'Doherty's email inbox, sent folder and delted folder from September 24, 2020 - October 16, 2020. Here is a link to the results I received from the district.
Principle O'Doherty's inbox screenshots
Principle O'Doherty's deleted emails screenshots
Principle O'Doherty's sent screenshots
I feel it's important that as many people see these screenshots as possible. Not necessarily because there is some got ya moment. It's important for people to see what is talked about in our schools and how information is shared and disseminated. If you look over the screenshots and see an email subject or recipient or sender that you find curious maybe its time for another more specific records request. Reach out to me if you feel this way or submit the records request on your own. Links to contact me and submit a request of your own are included. I've included the request I submitted as a sample.
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