Club of Rome publishes a major new report on the governance of ‘Spaceship Earth’

in news •  7 years ago 

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Journal of Engineering -- The human footprint is increasing fast and will - if not reversed - eventually lead to a collapse of the global economy. So say the authors of the new book Come On! which proposes an overhaul in the way that governments, businesses, financial systems, innovators and families interact with our planet.

Now, in cooperation with more than 30 members from the Club of Rome, authors Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker and Anders Wijkman, the sitting co-presidents of the Club, suggest possible solutions to the global ecological and social crises. At the core is the suggestion to develop a new Enlightenment for a „Full World”: we can no longer depend on a societal model that was developed for a world of less than one billion people.

Humans and farm animals constitute 97 percent of the bodyweight of all living land vertebrates …

CITATION: (2017-12-18), Club of Rome publishes a major new report on the governance of ‘Spaceship Earth’, Journal of Engineering, 399, ISSN: 1945-872X, BUTTER® ID: 014867661

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