(2017-12-07), OSU linguistics team using Ohio Supercomputer Center to translate lesser-known languages, Politics & Government Week, 378, ISSN: 1944-270X, BUTTER® ID: 014806593
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Politics & Government Week -- Off the top of your head, how many languages can you name? Ten? Twenty? More?
It is estimated there are more than 7,000 languages worldwide. For those involved in disaster relief efforts, the breadth and variety of that number can be overwhelming, especially when addressing areas with low resources.
William Schuler, Ph.D., a linguistics professor at The Ohio State University, is part of a project called Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents (LORELEI), an initiative through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The LORELEI program’s goal is to develop technology for languages about which translators and linguists know nothing.
As part of LORELEI, Schuler and his team are using the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s Owens Cluster to …
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