Dear Steemians,
your daily, manually selected, three special news to make your chitchat always up to date!
Today's Picks
Crypto Regulation A Top Priority For World Governments
With the recent rise in mainstream popularity of cryptocurrencies and the ever-present allegations of cybertheft and market manipulation, it has become a top priority for governments to put a lid on the madness.
US Judge Throws Out Climate Change Lawsuits Against Big Oil
A U.S. judge who held a hearing about climate change that received widespread attention ruled Monday that Congress and the president were best suited to address the contribution of fossil fuels to global warming, throwing out lawsuits that sought to hold big oil companies liable for the Earth's changing environment.
'New Zealand Wants You': The Problem With Tech At The Edge Of The World
At the end of 2017, an unusual job advertisement appeared in New Zealand. Responsibilities included planning for future workforce needs, responding to “emerging and disruptive technologies” and improving digital access. The salary was $400,000.
CREDITS: Photo by Les Anderson