Kuningan - Cigarette producers in Indonesia in recent years changed the face of their packaging, in accordance with government regulations. There is something creepy because it is accompanied by pictures of diseases caused by smoking, some are in the form of warnings.

Feeling aggrieved, Dadang appointed legal counsel to accompany him. One of his legal counsel, Dudung Hidayat said until now his side still collected data in advance regarding the Dadang recognition.
"I have not talked so much with Pak Dadang. Just this morning I received a decree, there were four attorneys who accompanied Pak Dadang. We are still coordinating with Pak Dadang," said Dudung when contacted via telephone, Tuesday (24/7/2018) .

Dudung said that Dadang felt he had never given permission to cigarette producers or the government to put up his photo. According to Dudung, this clearly violates copyright laws.
"Installing an image without the permission of the person in question violates the law. As for the future, we will see whether there is a criminal or civil element. We collect information first so as not to arbitrarily determine an attitude," said Dudung.
According to Dadang's statement, said Dudung, a photo of Dadang who was smoking cigarettes while carrying a toddler was taken about six years ago. Precisely in the field District Pancalang.
"Said Mr. Dadang, at that time someone photographed him six years ago. The location was in the field near his house, near the sub-district office," said Dudung.