Key info on JFK files

in news •  7 years ago 

KGB thought LBJ was in on the assassination.

EDIT: Johnson again accused of being involved:

Oswald was CIA and no one cares

Second shooter confirmed:

Possibly speaking about the assassination 17 days before it happened?

Soviets reaction to the assassination, even they felt it wasn't one gunman:

JD Tippit is a possible killer of JFK

EDIT: Ruby, Oswald and Tippit possibly met in Ruby's nightclub a week before the assassination.

Only two organizations knew the Kennedy parade route, the Secret Service and the Dallas police. Ruby was in the police circle and urged Oswald to take a job at the Texas Schoolbook Depository.

EDIT: It is likely two people were involved in the shooting. The other being Officer JD Tippit.

EDIT: One bullet was shot from a bridge across the parkway in front of Kennedys motorcade according to the Surgeon Generals report.

EDIT: Bullet hole in the windshield of the presidents car?

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