Memory Hole Blog posted an interesting article where they claim the 'March For Our Lives' event, which was supposedly organized by the Parkland, Florida school shooting survivors, was actually planned "several months prior" to the weekend the demonstration took place.
After an inquiry regarding the march was sent to the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, researcher Ole Dammegard reportedly received an email response which stated the following:
Good morning,
In reference to your inquiry concerning the March For Our Lives Demonstration, here in the District of Columbia on March 24, 2018. MPD received a permit application several months prior to the actual event, and there was several months of planning for this large event.
If you are requesting additional information reference this event, please follow the below steps to file your Freedom of Information Act request:
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free in contacting me directly.
Officer Scott C. Earhardt, Badge No. 2372
Homeland Security Bureau
Special Operations Division
Planning and Logistics
Metropolitan Police Department
At this time, we cannot verify whether or not this email is legitimate.
UPDATE (3/31/2018 at 2:55 PM Pacific):
Blog Fellowship of the Minds provided even more details concerning the allegation that 'March For Our Lives' was planned months in advance of the school shooting.
Here is confirmation that Detective Scott Earhardt worked, or currently works for, MPD:
Source (scroll to page 6):
Here is a screenshot of the original email, which shows the From, To and Date sections, as well as the Subject ('Permits'):
Here's proof that the email address [email protected] exists: