"Gumi" which develops smartphone games announced on May 30 that it will establish investment fund "gumi Cryptos" for virtual currency and block chain business.
gumi Cryotos is a company that invests Miko Matsumura (Miko Matsumura), the founder of the US virtual currency exchange "Evercoin", as a joint venture and invests in ventures that develop business for virtual currency.
The size of the investment fund will be about 3 billion yen.
gumi has actively invested in fields such as mobile videos and VR so far and gave birth to new services one after another.
gumi shares the success and failure experiences gained through investment and gets new knowledge.
We aim to make use of the findings obtained there for the products developed by our company.
gumi Representative Director Hiroyuki Kokomitsu said, "In this field as well, we will examine what is unique to the block chain.Therefore, because data on the internet has been copied so far, it has no value. , Data in the game will not be copied by block chains, it will be unique, becoming the world that it has asset quality. "
It is said that gumi is already undertaking the development of its own products utilizing block chains.
Gumi's investment fund attracts attention as to what kinds of products and services will be born in the future.
スマートフォンゲームの開発を行う「gumi」が5月30日、仮想通貨及びブロックチェーン事業向けの投資ファンド「gumi Cryptos」を設立すると発表した。
gumi Cryotosは、米国の仮想通貨取引所「Evercoin」の創業者であるMiko Matsumura(ミコ・マツムラ)氏を共同事業者に迎え入れ、仮想通貨向けの事業を展開するベンチャーに出資する会社。