RE: Here's How The State Of The Union Address Went- The Truth Factory

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Here's How The State Of The Union Address Went- The Truth Factory

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Didn't watch the President of the CFR/Establishment Trump State of the New World Order (NWO) deception, propaganda speech. Trump is just another Establishmentarian who wants to scrap the U.S. Constitution and merge the U.S. into a one-world socialist dictatorship, under the U.N., controlled by Wall Street and their communist/socialist allies. I.e., In the few seconds/sentences I saw of the SOU, I noticed he praised his Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch as upholding the Constitution, when Gorsuch is a Council On Foreign Relations (CFR, the Establishment) member who's #1 goal is to scrap the Constitution:
This Truth Factory video was interesting and amusing. She mentions Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi, but fails to mention that both are associated with the CFR. And, incidently, sitting behind NWO President Trump are Speaker of the U.S. House, Representative Paul Ryan, also associated with the CFR and Vice President Mike Pence, who I think said he was kind of Establishment.
NWO Dog and pony, smoke & mirrors show for the oblivious morons.

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You're absolutely right that he's not creating government from scratch, the big question is, is it possible? What would happen if he shut down the government, if by some miracle he was able to do it? If not a shutdown, what would happen if he fired all the existing people, again the miracle thing? No matter how much you want it to change things overnight for the better, the reality is he cannot do it without creating a crisis. I don't believe he's a globalist, he was in a position where he had the money, power and fame to do what he wanted and what I believe drove him to run for president is the same that most people are feeling: the frustration of seeing moochers driving everything that's good into the ground. I do think he had selfish reasons in that if the trend continued he would slowly lose what he had.
