RE: Don't Go To Places Where You Are Not Wanted

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Don't Go To Places Where You Are Not Wanted

in news •  8 years ago 

We have different perspectives on what being human is, I feel.
Your perspective, is nihilistic. (in my opinion).
There is no room for beauty or aesthetics - its all function. I think very differently than that, and getting back to Tolkien, why he perfectly sums up the human v the non human.
Being human is appreciating of beauty, being happy (or sad) - but feeling.
Are you an Ork, deep down? lolo

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who says technology is not beautiful?
I certainly didn't.
it takes technology to make art..or record beauty that already exists in nature.

you misspelled orc.

You said Your perspective, is nihilistic. (in my opinion).

Nihilism = rejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless.

certainly NOT. Your opinion is wrong.
ZAP is my moral principal. Every other (so-called) moral principal is derived from that. IF they really meant it..but they do not.

You'd have to define what you mean by meaningless...
before you do it might be instructive to read about the monkeysphere, behavioral sinks, rat utopia, dunbar's number and The Iron Law of Bureaucracy

Technology most certainly can be beautiful. And is.
throwing mud paintings on a wall with your fingers doesn't require technology.

Recording beauty is recording something - technology - the beauty is the object you record.
LOLOL- my apologies on the misspelling - I hate it when people misspell my name ! lmao

You are correct - I apologize. (I'm just making my first coffee- give me 10 minutes, and I will attempt a better post )

apology accepted but not required.
We are discussing ideas....not personalities.
Address the post and not the poster
...anything goes if you do it that way.

Expect (proportional) retaliation if you attack me.

I just woke up myself (sleep issues)
I've only had two or three cups of coffee so far ...I'm making a new pot.
Where are you if I might ask?

I'm from the UK, but living in SE Asia - Thailand.
I'm an early riser (5 a.m. every morning - my favorite part of the day!

Where are you, if I might ask?

I spent a year in Thailand...Utapaeo near SadaHip...about 90 miles from bang cock.

I spent a week in Texas oncee- mostly Austin - partying in my younger days on a road trip from NY to LA (doglegged across the country)
Iike the states

got it in one...I'm too close to austin. I hate the place but the wife has a grandkid here so I guess I'll stay.

it was a great place to party in you mid twenties, with an English accent, though !

  • not sure I would like too much now...

I hate having to apologize, due to sloppiness- and that's why I did it.
keeps me sharp!