RE: Let it Burn Baby Burn; The Agenda 21 "CA Smart Fires" Continue On #WeDoNotConsent #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

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Let it Burn Baby Burn; The Agenda 21 "CA Smart Fires" Continue On #WeDoNotConsent #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

in news •  7 years ago 

Waking up sucks though. It can't be undone. Everything becomes questioned, nothing is a coincidence anymore, nothing happens without one questioning 'wheres the hidden plot in this event and how much did it cost Soros...?" ;)

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True, but I'd rather not live my life believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Once you get over the initial letdown that the people that rule us don't have our interests at heart, then you realize how to focus your energies properly. Sometimes it seems negative, but I choose to think how fortunate I am to be able to protect myself and my family before things get too ugly.