Mandatory Gender Pronouns For Children??! Bill 89 Is Out Of Control

in news •  8 years ago 

Bill 89

is seeking to force child protection, foster and adoption service providers, and judges to recognize a child’s sexual orientation and gender identity and gender expression and

in this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth outlines the major issues with this horrendous bill.

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Canadians need to be a little less nice. If this comes to the states, I'll do everything I can to collapse western civilization, and we'll all end up eating dog food in a ditch.

And then eat each other... unfortunately I'm going to have to eat good people though because I don't think I could stomach eating a communist or these sjws

There aren't enough people that are safe to use for food. Being at the top of the food chain, plus all of the chemicals in our air, water, food, and environment, we concentrate toxins at an alarming rate. We are, most of us, too poisonous to consume. It's going to be a Fellini film.

It is the destruction of language, family and western culture. Sick. I'll never call any individual "they" that's f*ng plural. Period. End of story. And Ze Xir whatever lol. NO. Sillyness.