The North Korean Crisis - An Orchestrated Plan For Order Out Of Chaos

in news •  8 years ago 

All eyes are on Kim Jong-un

as the leaders of both North Korea and the United States both face off in an epic showdown of ego and military might!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth outlines the very real possible scenario of a false flag attack that would ultimately be blamed on North Korea in an effort to topple yet another regime not yet controlled by a Rothschild owned centralized bank.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The korean war was never even declared as a war in order to bypass the congressional process that is mandated by the constitution in America - instead it was called a 'police action'. :/
I wrote earlier about the history of this and of how north korea is providing a karmic reflection for Americans if they will only notice, instead of fighting it.

True story.

I have had a feeling for quite a while (since early this year) that things would escalate into "war" with North Korea with Trump in office. Thing is I don't think North Korea has done anything different this year than they did under Obama or Bush. When Bush was president the news outlets were reporting that North Korea would have nuclear weapons in about one year. So it is likely they have had nukes for a long time. But as you say, the powers that be are now ready to accelerate their agenda and this is a perfect tool to start WWIII.

Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but I don't think it will come to war. The last thing China and Russia wants is for the US to be their neighbors. I think at the last minute both China and Russia will put their own sanctions on NK and THAT will finally make NK calm down. They desperately rely on China. If not for them, they would be finished.

Thanks for this post. I am amazed that there is so little discussion going on about this major event and the much deeper implications of whats really going on.
This video contributed some valuable perspective on this important matter. I will follow you now in hopes to get more valuable info and also to promote others to get in on the discussion and awareness of important matters like this.
Best Regards~*~

@pressfortruth - great job man

NK is very scary . So many years of breainwashing that level of fear and control. Now they have increasing power ever so slowly. They got missles and they have some decent hackers. They could do damage if they want to.

Dont need a Sadam we?

How many countries has usa invaded? and destroyed, who created isil?who funded the rebels in afganistan?US of fucking A ..true facts via freedom of information act.. how many places has nk attacked.. none..

the deep state created isil and funded afganistan rebels and they pushing for kim jung-un to start ww3 blame the deep state they are behind this not the usa

tru, but the usa still complys, and usa still has soilders on the ground..every individual is slightly accountable

But i dont think they have to balls to attack a country that can defend it self.. but anything is possible

I wonder if the N.Koreans have really even said or done any of this . Maybe its all just a hoax by the powers that be so the Americans can go attack them and take them our like they did Gaddafi as Dan says.

informative and not too farfetched nor bat shit one direction or the other. sub'd

Piccata? Titicaca! I am Cornholio! I need piccata for my bunghole!

Very possible. I hope it doesn't happen, but it sure seems someone is pushing hard for war. Thanks for an informative video @pressfortruth

Recently all of the U.N. voted for sanctions on Russia.
Russia knows the U.S. economy is tanking. 20 trillion in debt.
Putin knows the U.S. needs another big war to sustain itself.
Putin knows Kim Jong would never negotiate,

Russia is going to let the U.S. attack N.Korea and this will become another Vietnam causing massive riots in the US.
All this rhetoric making Trump out to be the enemy of every station, his name is about to go down in history.
Lets be clear here he has no brains. But now you have your scapegoat!
During this civil uprising the U.S. will collapse and Russia does not have to do anything.
Just sacrifice a pawn on this chessboard.
Russia has stood for N.Korea all along and all of a sudden changes his mind.

Good politics and Good leader in Korean. One in all assertive leader in Asian..
Success for you @pressfortruth....

Yeah all eyes are on Jun when all eyes should be on Obama and Clinton and McMasters planning a soft coup against Trump and the will of America !! Lets not take our eye of the ball with this crazy joker of the New World Order planned take down of the World !! Steem On 2 the Truth !!

Upvoted & RESTEEMED! :)

Dr. Judy Woods reveals the use of directed energy 'demolition' on 9/11. This is definitely part of the new reality of warfare along with the psychoactive effects of EMF weaponry as used in the Gulf War.

I don't see a false flag here, but I do see everything being throw at the United States public is support action against North Korea.

I believe China has just put an end to all this, stating that the U.S. will not be allowed to harvest any benefits from the region.