DTube - I Went To Bilderberg 2018 But All I Got Was This Lousy New World Order

in news •  7 years ago 

Some of the most powerful and influential people in the world are meeting in secret right at this very moment.

Political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference, about two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Charlie Skelton a veteran when it comes to exposing the Bilderberg group.

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Dan Dicks is calling me a douche and censoring my comments on youtube, so its only fair i leave it here. This is the comment that Dan Dicks is censoring

"Hey to be fair, Dan never Interviews me so I had to get in here somehow, plus he did the same thing to my instagram stories earlier being “Mrs funny guy” behind my videos.

Hurry up and upvote this before Dan deletes this."


Thanks for the great work you do Dan exposing the truth and the great evil that is upon us. Upvoted to help you on your journey

Is there anyone else having issues viewing other people videos or even their own today 06/09/18? I am constantly getting a The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Error and its killing me inside.. is there a fix?

This is an interesting one, we will see if anything comes out of this secret meeting, which is for the benefit of humanity, THANK YOU for sharing!

Biometrics maybe? Even more hush than normal. Not good for our freedom, hardly anyone I've spoken too i even aware it's on, normally at lest few know 💯🐒

Thanks for the truth. Scarier with each day but hey - enjoy the moment.
And the guy in the background was hilarious. I wonder what he does for a living.

more people need to know about this

nice video. Follow for follow? like for like?

Why I cannot get upvote from dtube...??? Why ?? Why??

Nice to see you covering this global elitist meeting in such a detailed manner Dan. Your informative approach beats the corrupted and complicit MSM hands down.

Yeah, I hear ya @clarityofsignal. Did see this segment on #Bilderberg coverage as well.

good videos dtuber conten creator star on trending