DTube - World War Three Is Imminent And #INoLongerComply

in news •  7 years ago 

We are on the brink of world war three and that is not an exaggeration!

It seems that Donald Trump and the deep state are dead set on a Syrian invasion and they will go in there at any costs! But they can’t do it without the support of the American people hence an intense propaganda campaigned aimed at pinning the blame for an alleged chemical attack on the Assad regime. The Russians are now saying they have irrefutable evidence that the UK staged the chemical attack in what amounts to no less than a false flag attack!

In this video

Dan Dicks breaks down the latest news as the war drums continue to beat louder and louder.

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@pressfortruth blood are been spilled on daily basis in Syria and the world is looking. Innocent kids and mothers blood are on the street. May God bring peace to Syria!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks Dan. I'm sick of the wars and all the false flags and other lies. This is no way to do thing. :(
I made this meme to help raise more awareness:
syria be aware not afraid.png

Good one.

Thanks @tgheretic! : )
I decided to put it up on my page as well.

But, is there any solution to hold back this disastrous phenomenon? War is bad, we don't want it. And, I think changing lives through sweet posts might change the minds of citizens residing in each country.

There is a say that: where there is a war between two animals, the grass are the one who suffers... Out of aggression and claim for power, our leaders are trying to mislead us, although it is out of their greed, but we as a person is the only solution to this disastrous engagement. Let's all embrace each other, without us been fooled by them, their won't be war. If they truly wanna wage a war, let them use their family members.....

In the course of protecting the dignity of a country, so much lives are risked and in the end are lost to the level at which it cannot be revived...

Let's stand up today and embrace peace.

KUBOSKEEY CARES.... I love peace, what about you?

I'm convinced that the greater war with 'Oceana' will NOT occur until US citizens are disarmed to the globalists satisfaction.

Globalist controlled USA will lose this greater war, and like post second world war Germany, be put on international trial for war crimes, using false flags to start wars. The American people will be left holding the bag as globalist minions flee USA and live Scott free outside 'occupied' USA.

Omitted from these globalist 'international trials' will be how globalist controlled USA used Gladio style false flags within their own country to disarm the American people.

East Asia wouldn't dare!

Ok, they might, but they won't disarm the US citizenry first. Ain't gonna happen.


Don't underestimate both the globalists or the brainwashed American people. We have already seen a successful 'color revolution' against the second amendment using a 'Gladio' style operation at a high school, with NGO organized protests of duped students supported by ALL corporate media outlets. I'm predicting one more of these to kick off more student protests while they are out of school for the summer.

While Trump does his part to create 'cognitive dissonance' with statements of supporting the 2A at the federal level, the globalists are already using their long established 'regionalism', via Agenda 2030, to take down the 2A at the 'state' level.

The NORMALIZATION of killing Gun Owners.
For at least a decade, law enforcement have been gunning down anyone they think, or actually does have a firearm. The American people have been 'normalized' by the globalists, that the 'authorities' can kill women and children with impunity... i.e. Waco TX... all the airstrikes against innocent people, where Americans could careless what happens to these people.

Boston Bombing psyop 'Normalization'
Most people have no clue, but the Boston Bombing was a globalist psyop, Rand corp. style, to 'trial balloon' how the dumbed down American people would react to the 'door-to-door' rounding up of Americans by their own military. I would say it was a success as the INTENDED images of Americans being 'forced at gun point' to leave their own homes were not remotely a concern by the majority of Americans who remained silent.

There was also a beta test in New York state where the 'authorities' banned guns and wanted dumbed down Americans, regionally in NY state, to give up their guns willingly. Even this had some moderate success, to my surprise.

Once the globalists 'establish' that even certain firearms are illegal and justify to the public that door-to-door confiscation of ALL firearms is 'the new normal', my guess is that anyone in a shoot out with 'authorities' will become 'the new terrorist' super villain "who kills high school kids", and the dumbed down American people will 'support-the-troop's, very select 'troops', to go door to door and 'neutralize' terrorist gun owners.

An armed American public really is the last road block standing in the way of Agenda 2030 globalism. Not the Russians or the Chinese, who by the way, demanded that American citizens be completely disarmed right after Sandy Hook false flag.

You're very correct for a segment of the population. I assure you that many more aren't falling for it. There's little point to sticking your neck onto a chopping block, and silence doesn't equal assent.

A lot of folks have firearms stashed, with pieces over the mantle to turn over in a grab.

"An armed American public really is the last road block standing in the way of Agenda 2030 globalism. "

This is not a rumor, and is known.

Admiral Yamamoto said 'I would never want to invade America. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.'

This is known too.

Some folks are playing the long game. 3D printing is now making firearms unbannable. Also, all you need is a chunk of 3/4" pipe and a nail to make a shotgun. And there are far better weapons than guns nowadays.

Americans will not be substantially disarmed. No matter what propaganda, roundups, or BS is attempted.


I agree with it strongly. World warIII is not far away. And credit goes to America for all this massacre. Killing innocent people attacking counties for resources & power.
American terrorism is at its peak. They started it from Afghanistan then Iraq now Syria. Asking Muslims are terrorist & attacking them & killing innocent people. Lastly the attached in Afghanistan led killing of more than hundred innocent students. We condemn strongly the terrorist attacks & acts of America & allied. Killing the humanity & innocents around the globe for resources & power is actually the terrorism.
America is the only terrorist in the world which not only terrorises the world itself but also prepares terrorist by funding groups around the globe. ISIS is the biggest example.

This is the second time I have seen you post this exact same comment. The first time I replied sincerely and substantively.

Do not copy and paste comments repeatedly, even if the comment, as here, is relevant in more than one post. If it is difficult to translate from your language to English, which I do understand, I suggest simply taking the time necessary to make original comments as needed.

While I have replied to this comment already, with the sole disagreement I had with it, and supportive of the balance, if I see it again I shall be offended, feeling I have been tricked into replying to a bot.

Human being are killing humans and I think this we our species will end

the military industry will earn only why the innocent civilians will die again and it's always like that I do not defend criminals because people like us are there but ordinary people who were born there because that's how they were written


Seems a bit premature for fearmongering posts about WWIII. No potential participent really wants to ensure their own destruction by entering a conflict of such scale that there really couldn't be a winner.

Citi, JP Morgan, and their ilk always win every war.


Huge Information Drop on Deep State Propaganda Arm: Fact Checking Outfit Snopes Rolls Out The Atlantic Councils Pro-War Armchair Propagandists To Cover For Mass Media And Government Lies About Latest White Helmets False Flag in Syria


These false flags can go bad pretty quickly, war must be prevented at all costs... :(

Hope all these USA, Russia, Syria chemical and missile launching things didn't get too far to world war III, war is a very bad experience to humanity and there is no glory at war.

https://steemit.com/news/@olivierc/syria-madness western bullshit it is... They started this war already back in 2005.

I’ve been not complying and not consenting for a long time . I always keep the basic minimum balance on my accounts . Just enough to keep’em Open . LOL 😆 Always a great video . Thanks 🙏

I haven't had money in a bank since 2009. I have not earned enough income to have to file taxes. It's difficult, but I have simple needs.

Catch up!

If we all did it, things would change drastically overnight.

I decided to make an #inolongercomply post here. Thanks for the inspiration!