A case has also been registered against the accused in a fraud case in Punjab, while several complaints have been lodged against him at different places in Delhi. The crime branch team was late in the night to interrogate the accused, who was involved in the bitcoin scam with him and at which places he had lodged for the last two years. For the past two years, the Crime Branch was looking for the accused.
On the complaint of Gaurav resident of Sector-49, the police had registered a case against the accused and his accomplices under sections of cheating. Complainant Gaurav had told that through him many big industrialists had invested their money in Bitcoin's digital currency with Dushyant.
The accused had promised 10 per cent per month profit to investors in Bitcoin. When a lot of people invested in it, the owner of the company said that after 18 months, they should be given three times the money. The bitcoin price was around Rs 50 while investing, but when the time came to pay back the money, the bitcoin price had risen more.
Other investors, including the complainant, wanted them to be given back the money at the increased price. In the case, the police had registered a case against Amit Bhardwaj under sections of fraud.