WHAT HAPPENS ROCKFELLER'S 3.5 BILLION DOLLARS? There are six children, but others will get the money

in news •  7 years ago 


According to Forbes, the wealth of the deceased David Rockefeller amounts to about $ 3.5 billion, leaving behind six children.

However, the mystery is who will inherit its wealth, as it has recently appeared that it will leave much of the money to Harvard University.

"Business insider" wrote that Rockefeller donated large sums to charity, speculating that he had given even billions of dollars.


According to Harvard's data, he could receive at least $ 100 million, and the rest of the money could be distributed to both small donations and family funds held by his children.


His grandfather, John Rockefeller, was the first world billionaire in 1916, when possession of such an amount of money was unthinkable. He died in 1937 and his wealth was as high as 1.5 percent of the total US economy.

In today's money, it would be four times higher than Bill Gates.

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