Blue Moon Can Be Watched Tonight, Second Full Moon in a Month

in news •  4 years ago 

Halloween Night or October 31st will be decorated with a Full Moon which will be visible for all time zones on Earth and this hasn't happened since 1944. According to the Farmers' Almanac, it won't happen again until 2039.

The Full Moon on the night of October 31 is also a Blue Moon. This is the name for the second Full Moon that occurs in a calendar month. Blue Moons are relatively rare, on average once every 2.5 years or so. The Blue Moon was last seen in March 2018.

The current definition of Blue Moon actually arises from a misinterpretation of the original definition. This term once referred to a third Full Moon in a season (winter, spring, summer or fall) that featured four Full Moons instead of the usual three.

But in 1946, amateur astronomer and contributor James Hugh Pruett of the Sky & Telescope, James Hugh Pruett (1886–1955), misinterpreted the Almanac description and the use of the second Full Moon in one month was born.

On the other hand, the Blue Moon also has nothing to do with color. The Moon may appear bluish due to the scattering of light by dust or smoke particles in Earth's atmosphere, but this effect is completely independent of the Moon's phase.

Reporting from, Saturday (31/10/2020), this Halloween Full Moon is also known as the Hunter's Moon, the traditional name for the first Full Moon after the Harvest Moon which occurred on October 1.

In addition, this year's Halloween Full Moon also has another feature. This moon qualifies as a micro-moon or minimoon because it will occur when the Moon is near the farthest point from Earth in its elliptical orbit.

When the Moon reaches its full phase, the Moon will be in the constellation Aries and will appear highest in the northern hemisphere. The moon will be visible at 21:49 WIB and is 406,000 kilometers from Earth.


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