It seems almost a joke that the press has devoted so much time to a couple dozen people who are having a “rally” in Washington DC. It’s a joke to say that a coupe dozen people are a symptom of a racist culture. A couple dozen people are to be feared by everyone?
I’d say that a couple dozen at this rally is really a sign that these idiots have very little influence. That racist culture is a thing of the past. That racism has no place in society. I’d say they have failed, and Antifa and all the “counter protesters” are just giving these idiots the feeling that they are winning. The counter protesters should just stay home and let these few dozen idiots rally look like it is, a failure. When the press shows up and sees a coupe dozen white guys hanging out in a park people will see it for what it is, a failed rally.
A coupe dozen! That’s something to be feared.