"The Dog House" Live! Special guest "Daniel Costello" discussing the "IMF" past, present & future.

in news •  7 years ago 

"The Dog House" Live!

Special guest "Daniel Costello" discussing the "IMF" past, present & future.

Join the live chat this Wednesday the 28th by typing "Rea Bow" in youtube.Links to “The Dog House” Live! Show.

stitcher.com/s?fid=178540&refid=stpr …
Also on itunes.
We are going decentralised here -> https://dlive.io/@reabow
Live radio http://thedoghouselive.myl2mr.com/
also what is on your mind?

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This show goes from strength to strength so if you haven't watched or listened to it yet, check it out on Wednesday & Friday afternoons @ 12.00 Midday EST ( 5pm GMP ) You won't be disappointed. Remember, It's "The Dog House Live" Don't say I didn't tell you so.... Happy viewing..... Brooklands.