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What IS a 'crime against humanity'?

I guess that will always be subjective, I guess in this case spying on communication (Data harvesting) is a breach of human rights?

a right is inherent. A right is something you are born with. No one can give it to you they can only infringe upon it. A privilege is something that has to be worked for or given to you. Is privacy a right or a privilege?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I thought human rights are Arbitrary, What is one persons right isn't another persons rights. With reference to the headline, and your comment 'What is a crime against humanity'? Again its arbitrary. There is no one size fits all. The word crime suggests a legal breach, Which raises the question. What human right law did it breach? I would say to you, What motivated you to ask the question? When I first read your question, I thought , Umm? Does he have an agenda, Or does he feel the secret spying is ok? Or just an issue with the wording? I'm really not sure.
And to answer your question, Is privacy a right or a privilege? To me, again its arbitrary.
"As you have raised such a fundamental question" . Please enlighten me. .