What the Media Won't Tell You About Iran

in news •  7 years ago 

While wars and rumors of wars are swirling, the American media seems to be craving one war in particular. A war with a country portrayed as a nuclear threat, with its government accused of funding terrorism. These are thinly veiled war cries being propagated by the same media who never addresses how the United States also funds terrorism, arms extremists, and stages coups abroad—all paid for by your tax dollars, sending us into this endless repetition of the same war over and over. Wars the majority Americans don't have to fight or witness firsthand--that's reserved for the young people used as cannon fodder, and when these soldiers return from war as broken pawns in the global scheme, they're treated like trash.

That's why today, we're going to talk about what the media won't tell us about Iran...

because what's most revealing about the mainstream media's agenda isn't what they do say, it's what they purposefully omit.

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I was always mesmerized by the intricate designs/patterns of the mosques in Iranian:

Very beautiful. I enjoyed looking through footage of people's tours through Iran. So many colors and patterns to see.

The really interesting thing is that people who have taken high-powered psychedelics like DMT, report seeing very similar patterns - some even claim that the patterns on these mosques and the visions seen on psychedelics are one and the same.

Excellent video and soooo needed right now! Thank you! Persia/Iran, like NK, and Syria is one of the last countries not controlled by the private federal reserve bankster cabal! And they have never attacked anybody!! Least of all the US. US deep state Bush and cronies moved the global center of heroin production to Afghanistan in the early 50's as well and went into over-drive methodically goose-stepping towards total middle-eastern corporate take over. I am resteeming your post! Upped and followed! @dakini5d

Oddly enough after watching American media push the Iraq war I'm not seeing the same thing these days. I'm seeing media actually say good things about Iran Deal and not much of what I saw then do in 2003 for Iraq and 2011 for Libya Maybe I'm just not paying attention but it seems different to me. Now the government itself is 100% . It really is run by people in the shadows. It doesn't matter who wins what.

It's not about dollar domination anymore. The IMF is ready and waiting for SDR to become world reserve currency. America got sold out decades ago too.

I agree totally, like General Wesley Clark said, 7 countries in five years and only Iran and the Leb to go. We knew about it too, why do we just sit back and let the Cabal have its way. All the civilians of the world are on the same side and we need to do something now. What? I think we need to let them know we are not joining in anymore, we're not playing, peaceful non compliance. It needs us all to do it, well at least those awake enough to see how we are being played. Respect from Brighton UK

Your work is priceless in our times, shedding so much light in dim corners.

I wanted to add another dimension to this context, for those who want to look deeper at why the Iran is related to the West and its history. And why there is so much effort furthering the artificial divide.

And why the reason for wanting to destroy the remaining evidence of a living connection from the Western foundations to Iran and its people could be to finally get rid of this most 'stubborn' once and for all.

If one is to suspend judgment and forbid himself any limits of inquiry in digging deeper, I want to share this STUNNING interview that I came across earlier today. A lot of marvelous relations can be found if one is to look at the historic connections between Iran (what was once called "Persia") and the root of our own cultures all over the Western world. There are many good sources out there about this, and it seems to me a rather major puzzle piece...

If not the puzzle's framework.

I know this topic is both relevant and clouded to seekers in our societies, and we are not bound to the assumptions of our societal appraoch to interpreting the history of those that came before us.

The man's words carry an amount of weight and power I have seldom come across.

What if this is true?
And there is something 'deeper' underlying the whole story than the oil beneath the ground?



Another thing that the media likes to portray is that the Iranians are just a bunch of radical Islamists when the Iranian population is one of the best educated in the entire Middle East.

And let's not forget that the US provided chemical weapons (a.k.a. WMD's) and intelligence for Saddam Hussein to use against Iran.

And last, but not least, giving your population an evil enemy to hate and fear keeps their attention off of what a mess you've made of the economy,

I agree, many Americans are oblivious to how the wolrd actually functions and the hypocrisy, but a lot of people don't have time to research and discover, and stay on top of these issues. Glad you made the video, enjoyed it, hopefully it can help others, I certainly took a few things away from it.

Media doesn't tell the full story, and the American education system is so lackluster--our history curriculum is like swiss cheese. Sometimes I wonder how people are supposed to piece it all together, and then I realize that's the whole point. They're not supposed to piece it together.

The US routine:

  1. Intervene in a country's local affairs and distabilze it for your own benefit
  2. Be surprised when things don't go as planned
  3. Blame someone else for your screw-ups (radicals, dictatorships..etc)
  4. Paint this "someone" as a threat to the american ppl
  5. Use this american-made threat as an excuse to further intervene and distabalize
  6. Repeat

Perfect Timing, Perfect Video
I dont think many People here in Europe se Iran as our Enemy, and I think it’s pretty much the same the same all over the Western World, Scary to think about what they ready to do for change that...
Iran stod by SAA all the way invasionen of their Country and when ISIS is beaten, they get call Terrorists by Western Leaders.. bit rude..
Propaganda have begun, noticed this in US Media, 3 clowns and one is a Fake Iranian..

thank's for the post..

And the way America does preach about peace whilst there are the onces facilitating wars is so distasteful. Wars won't end if they continue with their stupid disguise.We now know them no reason to lie about themselves

I made a friend from Iran during my travels and he keeps insisting that i should come n visit. But other than that, i think the problems lie like you said in the money system and oil. We have a dug ourselves into a complex system that is not beneficial for humanity and for the earth itself. The only way is maybe a collapse with the US empire but really it is so complex within history with no transparency with the people "ruling" us. In my opinion the only way is to create your own communities n a system away from the current money system we rely on and figuring out something that works. Learn Self sustainability and take care of each other, while also seeing the truth behind this loop we are stuck in. Thank you for the post :)

I don't think Iran is the threat. Well done, thoughtful video.