RE: Welcome to Tweakerville

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Welcome to Tweakerville

in news •  4 years ago  (edited)

your arguments are all over the place. First you say you support legalizing all drugs, then you turn around and say that methadone clinics are the enabling addicts. Which is it? Also you conclude that being in thrall to an addictive substance removes one's personal agency and cripples the mind, yet earlier in the article you stated that continuing to use drugs is a conscious choice that addicts need to be held accountable for. I'm willing to recognize that in this situation there is an element of nuance and that perhaps both opinions are valid, but once again, there was no clarification of this gaping hole.
Then there's the part about 'democrat-run' areas having the biggest problems with drug use and homelessness. The fact is that democrats tend to live in cities, while homelessness and crime are phenomena that are just typically encountered in cities in general. Also drugs are typically more available in cities. The fact that these undesirable occurrences are happening in cities does not, therefore, posses a casual link to democratic leadership, and to imply otherwise is an incredibly lazy and superficial argument. What are cities reasonably expected to do with the homeless? Kick them all out? They will just come back.
Do you think that MAYBE the meth problem in the western united states may just be due to close proximity to cartel smuggling routes rather than a failure of leadership?
Lastly, this whole thing about the family unit being under siege ... just stop. Why do you think people who have single mothers experience high rates of addiction? It's simple. Single mothers are not afforded the same economic opportunities as men or married women, and it is well known that a lower socioeconomic status leads to higher rates of drug abuse. So rather than fault the USA's toxic and misogynistic work culture for these social ills, you think that the issue is that kids need a daddy to keep them in line. I think that having a father figure is important for a child's development, but it is pretty stupid to imply that reinstating the nuclear family unit as the de-facto way to raise children will make much of a dent in drug abuse.
Now, other than this, I do mostly agree with what you have written when summarizing the scope of the issue, but I do strongly feel as if you have not correctly identified the root causes of the issue.

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