Please watch this video by The Doctor Of Common Sense. What's wrong with this country? Lack of morals and many other factors too. This country is full of Nazis, Commies, etc. All by Design, World's A Stage.
"BART refused to release the video of the train robbers to prevent "racial stereotyping". More like racial stereotyping confirmation." Shoot first, College Later.
No such thing as Law and Order. Elites are granted immunity, Commoners get the book thrown for committing the same crime as Elite. Turning Evil as Good, upside down society, promoting anything AntiChristian. Too much corruption and evil out there controlling information, not applying common sense with discernment. It's totally insane! Wish Yeshua/Jesus Christ would come soon!
Vote for the Doctor Of Common Sense with his plan, he's the next Sheriff Joe Arpaio 2.0. No Mr. Nice Guy. Tough on Crime, Law and Order with Common Sense too.