Please read this article by Shoebat and share.
"Shinzo Abe, The Prime Minister Of Japan, Just Dissolved The Lower House Of The Japanese Parliament. And The Japanese Government Now Wants To Create A Cashless Society And Establish A Digital Currency. Be Prepared For The Coming Of The Antichrist"
Apparently the Japanese government want to implement the digital currency by 2020 just in time for the Tokyo Olympics. All of this is a Eugenicist Transhumanist agenda being promoted by the powers that shouldn't be of such vampires scum as Peter Thiel.
What you have to be concerned about is what digital currency will it be or is it a combination of bitcoin, ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies?
Germany, Japan, and Turkey are the trio of evil teaming up again for world domination with "genocide, eugenics, racialism, heresy and the occult." Shoebat has brought up of the atrocities committed by Japan with the millions throughout East Asia and other sick and twisted experiments just like the Nazis do. Shoebat did part 1 of a series on the eugenics NWO Agenda the powers that be do this time focused on the Max Planck Institute. How the racism promoted leads to "pan-Eurasianism."
Recently, France delivered to Japan 700 kilograms of Plutonium. "Japan in 2012 possessed 44.3 tons of plutonium, 9.3 tons of which were kept within the country, while 35 tons were kept abroad in countries like the United Kingdom and France. This is enough plutonium to create more than 5000 nuclear bombs."
It's not just the trio of evil with Germany, Japan, and Turkey, you have to count Hungary and Iran in there too with the "Austro-Hungarian Empire which fought in alliance with the Ottomans and Germans in World War One."
With the arms race, plus the Frankenstein Eugenics experiments going on by the powers that shouldn't on, along with other countless atrocities.
History repeats, All by Design, World's A Stage.
According to Shoebat sums it up as to what is going on.
"Fanatic religion, filled with the spirit of the Antichrist, is rising up. Sufi Islam and Turanism (Turkish nationalism) is growing immensely in Turkey. In Japan, as we have been saying for years, militarist Mahyana Buddhism and Japanese nationalist religion (filled with Shintoism), is being openly promoted by Shinzo Abe and other politicians. Shinzo Abe’s Social Democrat Party is in coalition with the Komeito Party, which is the Japanese Buddhist party, on which we have also been writing for years as well. Komeito is part of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist cult, which is extremely wealthy and politically powerful. The current governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, was a member of the Diet members’ group to promote Yasukuni Shrine visits where politicians and other Japanese worship the souls of Japanese war criminals who butchered millions, with Abe fully supporting doing the worship himself. Shinzo Abe is a major figure within the Nippon Kaigi cult which wants to revive Sun worship and emperor worship in Japan. All of this is a sign of a coming major nuclear war."
According to Revelation 16:13-14, (Japan, Germany, and Turkey) These three impure unclean spirit frogs could just be this evil trio.
Also, please watch this and share.
Verichip company is selling RFID chips that fulfills Biblical Prophecy of the Mark of the Beast described in Revelation 13, that you cannot buy or sell anything unless you have the mark.
Very few churches talk about the Mark of the Beast. The Mega and other churches really care about the money.
“Those who can see the issues most clearly are not religious, but on the fringes of society, the kind of people that Jesus would have associated with.”
Suelo lives in a cave in Utah and has lived without money for 10 years.
Greg Nikolettos, founder of “We the people who will not be chipped movement.”
Nikolettos works with Katherine Albrecht
Katherine Albrecht is the founder of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN), a national [clarification needed] consumer organization created in 1999 to educate consumer-citizens about shopper surveillance. She is a consumer privacy advocate and spokesperson against radio-frequency identification (RFID). Albrecht devised the term "spy chips" to describe RFID tags such as those embedded in passport cards and certain enhanced United States driver's licenses. Katherine Albrecht holds a Doctor of Education degree from Harvard University. She is a resident of Nashua, New Hampshire.
Albrecht was interviewed about RFID chips in Aaron Russo's 2006 documentary America: From Freedom to Fascism.
The MARK of The BEAST Identified
Between the NSA, the DWave and the technological wave that has swept everyone up, they have left humans no where to turn but to the NEURAL Lace or the MARK. Quantum Computing. Mirrored to the Ouiji Board.
"They" are capable of building the D-Wave, but can't figure out/reconstruct the technology to go back to the moon.... LOLOLOL BUT I DIGRESS.
It Begins: Wisconsin Company Installs RFID Microchips In Employees
A Wisconsin company announced this week that it plans to install microchips in employees, but they are insisting there will be 'no GPS tracking'.
Three Square Market, a company that designs software for break room markets, is about to become the first in the US to offer microchip implants to its employees.
According to their press release, the program will be optional for employees and the company will begin implementation on August 1.
The implanted Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) chip will allow workers to make purchases in their break room micro market, open doors, login to computers, use the copy machine, among other things.
Other previous postings. Please read and share.
Please check this one at least. North Korea and NFL kneeling are distraction.
Part 1 of Shoebat Investigation into the Max Planck Institute as a German Nazi cult being done for purposes of Eugenics on those not without the Neanderthal gene, look for other corporations who do the same thing
Japan Military & Religious History to revive Militarism: Shinzo Abe, The Prime Minister Of Japan, Wants War With North Korea, And Declares That The Days Of Dialogue With North Korea Are Over
Japan seeking to revive Militarism: Major Japanese Politician Declares: ‘Japan Is Increasing Its Military Might Now More Than Ever Before Since World War Two.’
Well isn't this special? France Just Gave Seven Hundred Kilograms Of Plutonium To Japan, Enough To Make One Hundred Nuclear Bombs. Nuclear War Is Coming
The World Is Heading Towards Armageddon As The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Prepare For War. Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, And The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Are All Preparing For World War Three
Doesn't this surprise you that North Korea is another distraction, fear mongering tactics, increase in military industrial complex real enemy is illuminati/deep state for NWO Agenda
Video by Shoebat: Trump Declares That He Will Totally Destroy North Korea, North Korea Now Plans On Firing Nuclear Missile Over The Pacific Ocean. Japan Will Be Using This Situation To Empower Its Military And Revive Its Empire
Iran is allied with Turkey Announces It Has Infiltrated American Command Control Centers And Is Going To Now Test A Massive Bomb, if this were true then False Flags, Civil Unrest, still Arms Race heading towards War
No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians
Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise