Knowledge that will save your life

in news •  7 years ago 

Trouble often happens unexpectedly. Going to a difficult hike or to a nearby bakery, you can find yourself in a dangerous situation where the cost of an error will be your life. I recommend you to lay straws in advance and master some useful skills for survival.

While in the crowd, pay attention to emergency exits
In case of danger, people instinctively run to the exit through which they entered, or to the nearest, creating a crush. If you know about other outlets from the building, then probably you will be able to get out faster.

If someone threatens you with a weapon, keep eye contact with him
To feel yourself on the sight is a lot of stress. Try to stay calm and not lose eye contact with the aggressor. Perhaps he doubts and does not press the trigger.

Going on a hike, always take a mirror and a whistle
The best way to attract someone's attention is light and sound. Reflected sun rays and whistles will help rescuers find you faster if something goes wrong.

Remember the rule of three
There is one general rule that not everyone knows about, so do not repeat it. So, you can survive three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water and three weeks without food. Of course, a lot depends on external conditions (for example, if the weather is fine, you will last for more than three hours without shelter), but in general this rule helps to prioritize correctly.

A plastic bottle with coal can serve as a water filter
Dirty water will become cleaner if you pass it through a primitive filter consisting of a plastic bottle with coal. To water is safe to drink, after cleaning it should be boiled.

Going down the stairs, do not hold your hands in your pockets
Everyone can slip while descending the stairs. If at this point you do not grasp the railing, then the fall may turn into a serious injury.

Small wounds can be glued with super-glue
If for some reason you do not have a plaster with you, but there is a super-glue, you can use it to glue a small wound so that dirt does not get into it. However, for large wounds this solution is not suitable.

Try to keep warm and dry
Subcooling kills little by little. Many do not realize that they are supercooled until it's too late. To prevent such an outcome, go to nature in properly selected clothes and shoes with protection against getting wet. In an unforeseen situation, make every effort to keep dry and warm.

Choose places in the tail of the aircraft
In fact, airplanes are one of the safest modes of transport. But if you are afraid, then choose the seats in the middle row at the end of the cabin. According to statistics, mortality in this zone is about 28%, compared with 44% for the middle third of the cabin. In the event of an accident, your chances of survival will be much greater.

Going on a trip, tell your relatives about your whereabouts
The worst thing you can do when you go camping is not to tell anyone where you are going. If you get stuck in the middle of wildlife, then it's very unlikely that someone will accidentally find you. Knowing your location will greatly help rescuers.

A wide wound can be closed with sanitary napkins
Cellulose wool was invented during the Second World War. The material absorbed blood well, and therefore bandages were made from it. In peacetime, hygienic pads began to be made from it. They are clean and absorb well. If you have gaskets at hand, cover them with a wound and attach them with a bandage.

Swim parallel to the shore
If you are in a strip of flowing current (a fairly narrow stream of water directed from shore to the open sea), do not fight with it in the hope of swim, you are only exhausted. Instead, swim parallel to the shore to get out of the outflow.

You can turn off the fire with soda
If the fire goes out of control, and you do not have a fire extinguisher, use ordinary soda instead. In addition, with its help you can clean persistent dirt and disguise your scent from predators.

The condom can store up to 2 liters of water
Condoms are made of an elastic and airtight material. Wrap it in a sock or other fabric and use it to store water.

Do not eat snow
If you are in a snow-covered forest and want to drink, do not eat snow. It will cool your body and create a threat of hypothermia. Try to find a way to melt the snow.

In case of emergency, ask for help personally
If you are in a critical situation in the middle of the crowd, then the so-called effect of the witness works, when everyone thinks that someone else will help you. Point to someone standing nearby and ask him to call the rescue service, then the probability of getting help will increase noticeably.

If you get lost in the woods, walk along the fence or stream
If you are really lost and can not get out on the road, then try to find a fence or a stream. The stream serves as a source of water and can lead you to the settlement. Well, the fence is a clear sign of civilization.

Flashlight can be used for self-defense
A flashlight is invaluable if you need to find a road in the dark. In addition, if you shine a powerful enough flashlight in the face of the attacker, it will temporarily disorient him and give you time to escape.

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