A "galactic federation"...The Galactic Federation of Light is a large federation of civilizations from many different planets, galaxies and universes working together...Gifted to us by the Galactics...Global cooperation to prepare for an alien threat

in news •  2 years ago 

"A "galactic federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where we will understand... what space and spaceships are," Haim Eshed said."

"The Galactic Federation of Light is a large federation of civilizations from many different planets, galaxies and universes working together for the harmonious existence of all life. There is a galactic federation in each of the inhabited galaxies of our universe. These federations are part of the universal management structure much like field offices are part of the management structure for a large corporation.
The Galactic Federation for the Milkyway Galaxy is called the Galactic Federation of Light, but some of the races represented in our GF may call it by other names, hence the difference in the names given by the Zetas, Andromedans, etc.
Each race, civilization, and planet has a council within the GF to represent them. These councils vary in size depending on population as well as the amount responsibilities they carry within the management structure of the GF. There are literally thousands of these councils since there that many races represented. The GF is much larger than we may imagine."

"The QFS is “alive” with consciousness. Gifted to us by the Galactics."

"A secret space program was created for United Nations members states in the early 1990s that had agreed to cooperate for an alien invasion, according to the latest startling revelation by whistleblower, Corey Goode. He discloses, in his newly released Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV interview, more details about the United Nations space program, which he had earlier briefly discussed in an email interview, as a NATO-type space program called the “Global Galactic League of Nations.” Goode says that the origins of the secret UN space program can be dated to the 1980s, with President Ronald Reagan’s statements concerning the need for global cooperation to prepare for an alien threat."

"the “old families” are described as "group of Asians of royal blood known as the Dragon Family” - the remnants of China’s former Celestial Kingdom."

"“Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.

“The visitors are human-like but much larger in size."

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