A Researcher Says the First UFO Really Crashed in Italy in 1933. And He Has Evidence.

in news •  2 years ago 

"An Italian researcher has shared what he claims is evidence of a secret UFO crash that took place in Italy in 1933 – and was covered up by Benito Mussolini.

Roberto Pinotti, an aerospace engineer and ufologist, told MailOnline he had obtained a number of documents including a report from the Italian Air Force that describes the crash of a ‘metallic object’ in Northern Italy on June 13, 1933.

Dr Pinotti has also claimed that the Italian government set up a secret department to study the craft and that this department continued to operate for several years.

‘I and my colleague Alfredo Lissoni began investigating the story of the 1933 UFO crash in Lombardy in 1996, when we received some original secret documents about the case,’ Dr Pinotti told MailOnline."

"Is Italy—not Roswell, New Mexico—the actual site of the first UFO crash on Earth?

An Italian researcher claims to have proof that backs up recent allegations that a crashed UFO was recovered in Italy in 1933. It adds to a growing interest in Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) that now includes elected officials and a NASA panel—even in the face of broad scientific skepticism.

In an interview published by the Daily Mail, Italian ufologist Roberto Pinotti says that fascist dictator Benito Mussolini got his hands on a flying saucer after it crashed on June 13, 1933. But the alien craft, Pinotti said, was captured by American forces at the end of World War II and sent to the U.S.Pinotti showed documents to the newspaper that he claims are evidence of both the crash and a secret department set up by Mussolini to study the alleged saucer."

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